Example sentences of "[vb past] they [vb mod] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They found they could explain all the experimental data on neutral weak currents by assuming quantum mixing between the electromagnetic current and the neutral weak current .
2 They had also created for themselves a moral environment to which few Englishmen found they could take serious exception .
3 For some time afterwards whenever a crisis occurred they would ask each other , ‘ What would Père Obein say ? ’
4 Remember they used to used they used to get these , the farmers used to ask for these boxes because they made er hen 's nests , you know that type you know where they Oh they were good boxes .
5 Merging companies believed they could achieve significant gains in productivity and profits , and government policy assumed that these would offset any adverse effects from an increase in monopoly power .
6 ‘ People can dip in and out , looking at objects which represent the best that artists of a certain period believed they could do woven in with some everyday things .
7 ‘ She claimed they might have some bearing on Clare 's death .
8 Some people can ‘ feel ’ the presence nearby of massive objects ; even if blindfolded they would run little risk of walking into a wall .
9 Three of the studies pointed out that this was common in elderly patients , and that this indicated they should receive lower and/or less frequent doses .
10 We will never know how that would develop because community charge has been abolished but anyway You will note of course as well that last year in nineteen ninety one , the Conservative Party managers looked at the local election result and decided not to go in June ninety one , cos they figured they would get beaten .
11 Nigel figured they 'd take any old crap by a woman .
12 Decades later , Pat and husband Gerald decided they would go sister-hunting and after frantic phone-calls all over the South of England , there was a tearful reunion with Pat 's sister Hilda at a local hotel .
13 Fortunately , they decided they could bear each other 's company long enough for a farewell tour , starting next month , and also a valedictory album .
14 When Jonathan Malcolm and his girlfriend met they could have little idea of the trouble which lay in store .
15 The EABA did not want the British fighters eliminating other nations ’ boxers , so ruled they must meet each other first before the survivor boxes against other European nations .
16 When consulted on the alterations , the ladies considered that it was wiser to spend on greens and approaches but ‘ if on the clubhouse then for the caretaker ’ — i.e. a larger kitchen and scullery ’ , although they admitted they would like more basins and another w.c .
17 Selling mostly proprietary technology to a niche market meant they could charge high prices : on average , gross profit margins in the workstation business have been 15–20% higher than those in the PC industry .
18 There was another boat not far ahead , going the same way , so that every lock was ‘ against ’ them , which meant they must empty each one before they could enter and must then fill it again .
19 Tom had recently been referred by his mainstream school to the psychological Service for assessment under the 1981 Act because teachers felt they should receive additional support for Tom 's periods in mainstream school .
20 They guarded it superstitiously , for while it remained impenetrable , they felt they could stay alive , whatever the horror of the world outside .
21 In addition to middle-class tourists , Cook 's facilities and efficiency attracted illustrious clients who included most of the British royal family , the Kaiser , the Czar and many European aristocrats , politicians ( including Gladstone ) , bishops and archbishops , industrialists like Krupp , and Indian princes who felt they could entrust whole entourages — wives , children , advisers , court officials , servants , elephants , tigers and artillery to Cook 's care when they visited Britain to celebrate Victoria 's Jubilee .
22 The more explicit pictures referred to in the text have not been reproduced as we felt they could cause unnecessary offence to both readers and distributors
23 Erm , I heard Mr Curtis say that the shortfall of affordable houses was seven hundred , he had a target of two thousand two hundred and felt they could find fifteen hundred somewhere already , so another shortfall of of seven hundred that actually contrasts with para' four one one of the one eleven should I say , four one eleven , of the York housing strategy , which has been submitted , and appendix four of the York evidence which actually says that , yes there 's a two thousand two hundred target , but there would still be a shortfall of about one thousand one hundred dwellings if this land , they 're talking about land that they own outside of York , is developed for affordable housing .
24 Some part of her tried to convince her to make for the door , but she knew they would expect that .
25 ‘ I knew they 'd win easy , ’ crowed Dancer .
26 Donna feared they might remain unanswered forever .
27 I thought they would make that .
28 Ninety five per cent ( 3391 ) would go to their doctor and only 15% ( 492 ) said they thought they would feel embarrassed by so doing .
29 Pissing crap Sportsnight did nt have England highlights , so you thought they would give some coverage to the other ‘ UK ’ sides … nah .
30 But Elizabeth thought they would console each other , and ended with their marriage .
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