Example sentences of "[vb past] on his [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But though the stream rose on his own land , he had not obtained the proper extraction licence and so got the water free .
2 Nigel always worked best when he drew on his own life .
3 Relying on the Bible , Roman law , and the classics to explain what ought to be , John also drew on his own experience to describe the contemporary scene .
4 He demanded the removal of the permanent secretary to the Treasury , Sir Robert ( later Baron ) Chalmers [ q.v. ] , and he countermanded on his own authority a Treasury request for the transfer of gold from Canada .
5 Turner concentrated on his own task .
6 The reply , from Stamfordham , said that the letter had been forwarded to the Sovereign , ‘ but added on his own account ‘ I wish you every success in your efforts . '
7 He turned on his own torch and started wondering how he was going to get out .
8 But David Pratt , photographer , has gone off it since he travelled half way round the world 's trouble spots unscathed to be battered and mugged on his own Glasgow south side doorstep .
9 It is not necessary to suppose that he acted on his own initiative , although this is implied in the Anonimalle Chronicle ( 11 , pp.158–9 ) : possibly his advisers felt that he might be less at risk than they themselves , and that in the circumstances a policy of temporary conciliation was the best course of action .
10 Algy Forrester , something of a fire-eater , stormed on , reaching the hotel , now the centre of German resistance , where he was about to throw a grenade when a shot from the hotel knocked him down and he fell on his own grenade , which exploded to kill him .
11 The young man who had peered over the rampart to see this extraordinary collection of scarecrows was known to more than one of the garrison of Krishnapur , for he was none other than that Lieutenant Stapleton who had danced so often with Louise in Calcutta the previous cold season and who had been given a lock of blonde curls as a keepsake ; he had made a point of wearing this lock of hair next to the rather wispy blond hair that grew on his own chest .
12 And , along the way , Harry had chanced upon a minor mystery that impinged on his own past .
13 When he was no more than fourteen , he wrote on his own initiative to every domestic airline .
14 Stretchered home in a plaster cast , Baxter reflected on his own part in his downfall , ‘ I probably took the mickey too much , ’ he said .
15 To her he confessed that he hoped residence at Lincoln would banish his ‘ moods ’ and in the same letter he reflected on his own mother 's ‘ love and uncertainty , in her melancholy unconfident way ’ .
16 More concerned that this reflected on his own abilities than his tutor 's zest , Leonard telephoned his residence at Bowdy House , in the poorer district of Montreal .
17 He sat on his own doorstep and tried to think what to do .
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