Example sentences of "[vb past] on [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The two had met up again when Packford helped on the Wapping Post .
2 His fingers opened , the knife bounced on the trampoline webbing and fell through into the sea .
3 Very often I dined on a banana split , which was enormous : it consisted of a whole banana , three scoops of ice cream , syrup and whipped cream and only cost 25 cents ; we also lived on delicatessen sandwiches and salads and were so excited with the automats where we put our money in and out popped coffee .
4 He also made it clear that he was against black boycotts organized around the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico , at which Thommie Smith and John Carlos demonstrated on the victory rostrum with a gloved black power salute .
5 Eventually , in July 1979 , a new secretary of state for Northern Ireland pronounced on the Bennett Report on behalf of her government .
6 To get a good purchase , I knelt on the melamine top , moving backwards as I was cutting .
7 The details that you entered on the tension screen , together with details of the style and measurements of the garment , as referred to as the ‘ main header ’ and can be printed out with the shaping instructions .
8 He dwelt on the pondus sacerdotum : the burden of priests , and more particularly of bishops ( and especially of archbishops ) , was that they would be responsible for the souls of kings at the Last Judgement .
9 The hand under hers clenched on the settee cushion , his face went red , and his eyes flashed such vindictive rage for a moment that she thought he would hit her , then he controlled himself , sitting silently by her on the settee , until she felt his hand gradually relax .
10 This is the first isolation of the Eco K restriction endonuclease from genes cloned on a multicopy plasmid that results in over-production of the enzyme .
11 Some four months before the publication of the reported work , we produced a report which drew on a questionnaire survey of all police surgeons and sample surveys of investigating and custody officers working in the Metropolitan Police District ; the reported work focused on the custody records of just three stations in London .
12 And he established the principle that any decision which drew on the contingency reserve of public money should go to full Cabinet and not be taken in Cabinet committee , where the Chancellor and the Chief Secretary could all too easily fall prey to ambushes set by cabals of spending ministers .
13 At an IOWME ( International Organisation of Women and Mathematics Education ) discussion group in 1986 ( see Isaacson , Rogers and Dekker , 1986 ) , Gila Hanna reported on a gender analysis she and Erika Kuendiger had carried out on data from the Second International Mathematics Study ( SIMS ) .
14 The importance of training was emphasised by Lord Clyde when he reported on the child abuse inquiry in Orkney , recommending an extra year of training for social workers .
15 At the mention of shooting , as though right on cue the faint sound of gunfire erupted on the night wind .
16 Beneath the embossed title ‘ Scotland ’ , an unfortunate eagle flew ‘ by wire ’ above a painted heathery hill , swooping over the cloth glen on some startled creatures clustered on the plaster earth .
17 The study 's thesis was that Attlee built on the Whitehall machine constructed in the Second World War and used it to implement the Labour Party 's reform programme .
18 He built on the insurance principle established by the National Insurance Act , 1911 , and the Widows , Orphans and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act , 1925 , rather than the non-contributory means-tested model provided by the 1908 Act .
19 Between 1880 and 1890 international relations were dominated by the system which Bismarck built on the Berlin settlement of 1878 .
20 It was now three thirty a.m. and he stopped on the swing bridge over the Berkeley to Gloucester canal and tried to hide the fish as much as possible .
21 Nicol seemed the sharper of the pair when the Scots trained on a back pitch at the Government Stadium last night , rain falling the moment they arrived at the field .
22 If it does n't then what you created on the computer screen and proofed on a page printer may well look rather different to that which you get back from the typesetter .
23 The Pazyryk ( or Altai ) carpet , as it is known , is of crucial importance ; not only does it confirm the existence of highly sophisticated hand-knotted rugs during the first millennium BC , it also strengthens the belief that rug-making was widespread through the Middle East and Central Asia , because the design is an almost exact replica of one found on a paving slab in the Assyrian royal palace at Nineveh , nearly three thousand miles away .
24 Let us begin with what you found on the river bank . ’
25 Erm which we found on the recreation ground .
26 The prosecution showed the jury at Preston Crown Court several bags of stones , bricks and masonry found on the railway embankment where James 's body was discovered .
27 A look of puzzlement flickered on the woman journalist 's face .
28 The health service members ( principally community mental handicap nurses and therapists ) were almost an exact mirror image — they concentrated on a casework approach — although there is some slight hint in Table 3 of a shift towards more service development activities over time .
29 When , through a second marriage , Hopkins became a kinsman of one Vickares , a wool-draper , Hopkins took over the broadcloth trade , and Stratford concentrated on the flax trade , in partnership with three others , Ralph , his brother , Thomas Lane , married to a third daughter of Robinson , and Humphrey Thornbury .
30 He concentrated on the television screen .
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