Example sentences of "[vb past] you [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Your father did the right thing by you did n't he , he helped you over the court case .
2 When you went to the pictures you did n't want to be reminded of the problems that dogged you outside the cinema : jobs , children , money and so forth .
3 Caught you on the hop this morning ! ’ said Postie .
4 I mentioned you among the people she should contact , simply that .
5 They found you in the snow and they carried you to the nearest shelter .
6 Mrs I excluded you from the speech after you asked the question
7 ‘ Mr Fernie , Detective-Constable Edwards who interviewed you on the morning after Mrs Connon was killed , said in his very comprehensive report that you had noticed the police arrive the previous night .
8 ‘ I 've been asking around about Werner , who interviewed you about the accident .
9 What we 've got for the first time I suspect , since any of you joined this company and you take the experience over there as well , is that the time you spend two days together , and actually find out what it is that makes you go and I do n't suppose that happens often , , dropped you off the boat together for more than two hours at a time .
10 By the way , I 'm sorry if I dropped you in the soup just now . ’
11 ‘ Your partner probably recognised you as the innocent you are — and tried to take advantage of the fact .
12 If the drug which you took is known to cause foetal damage , then it would appear that the doctor who advised you at the hospital has been negligent .
13 If the drug which you took is known to cause foetal damage , then it would appear that the doctor who advised you at the hospital has been negligent .
14 And er what attracted you to the job , did you know somebody that worked here ?
15 And what first attracted you to the job ?
16 When I first started to explore Scotland by train , there were long spacious carriages , first and second class , with a restaurant and buffet , a guard 's van where bikes could be carried free of charge , and a service that transported you to the Highlands through snow drifts that would bury a car .
17 That bit I put in about knowing if we were being followed when I drove you to the station will stop them trying to do just that , will keep them away from here .
18 Dr Phillips told you of the zombis he has been studying , I take it ? ’
19 I told you at the beginning how it would be .
20 Christ Almighty , I told you at the time , did n't I ?
21 I told you at the time to stick out and then she would have to get a housekeeper in .
22 You were told at the time you did , and Councillor told you at the time that th it was totally inadequate was the children 's budget , so how can you expect more money from the Government when your sense of priorities is so blatantly wrong on the money that you 're already handling .
23 I think my husband told you on the phone that buying the house over here was my idea .
24 ‘ You heard it could be murder ? — yes , I told you on the phone .
25 But I told you on the phone did n't I , it rained and
26 Sally-Anne was by now in full flow , and when she paused for breath Dr Neil said , as drily as he could , ‘ I will only say to you what I told you on the day when you arrived here : it is useless to take the world 's burdens on your shoulders .
27 I know sa so if you get mine what , I told you about the blind as they go , do n't pull them up when they 're wet .
28 ‘ Two years ago , Adai told you about the holes in the AOL .
29 in notes 37 we told you about the Government 's policy on market testing .
30 Did the things they told you about the ad or the product correspond at all to what you hoped they would get out of it ?
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