Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] at [art] school " in BNC.

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1 After the 1987 election , scarcely more than a tenth ( eleven per cent ) of MPs had been at the school .
2 Banbury in the 1960s was still full of professional and trades people who had been at the school before or immediately after the Second World War .
3 He was 6 years old and had been at the school for three terms when the head , knowing that I was a neighbour and friend of Balbinder 's mother , invited me to go with Mrs Singh to a meeting with the educational psychologist .
4 He had been at the School since 1927 , and was the driving force behind the Natural History Society .
5 I asked several people besides Demetriades , who had been at the school only a year , whether Leverrier , Mitford 's predecessor , or Mitford himself had ever spoken about meeting Conchis .
6 Comments from a teacher who had been at the school for two years added credence to the points raised in the above dialogues stating that there is ‘ racism ’ amongst staff within the school :
7 There was something decidedly odd about the engineering master ; his manner was always friendly , but , in the six months he had been at the school , Robert had not exchanged more than a few words with the man .
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