Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] at [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No , it would n't have surprised me if he 'd been at his easel while I was painting the town red !
2 Still staring at Gwen , her thoughts in chaos , the knowledge that Leo 's interest had been at her parents ' instigation for the moment forgotten , she tried to work out what possible interest planning permission could have for Leo .
3 Nancy had been at her wits ' end and nobody seemed able to help .
4 This had come , very firmly , from Miss Vanessa , while she herself had been at her tapestry .
5 First she 'd learned that her grandmother , whom she adored , was dangerously ill , and had been at her bedside ever since .
6 He felt a pang of jealousy , which was intensified when he remembered the smart army officers who had been at her husband 's memorial service .
7 Fear had been at its pitch during the first few hours and days .
8 Mrs. Browne had been at their Mayfair flat and seen them all off together .
9 Another , a younger man , had been at his elbow ever since .
10 It was the slumber of a man who had been at his cups for some considerable time .
11 He had been at his wits ' end , with no reply to Bigwig 's scornful impatience except his readiness to risk his own life in company with Fiver and Pipkin .
12 In mitigation Ronald Coia said Mr Siddle had been at his son 's home but decided he had to get away from the festivities .
13 Dear little thing he was , just like Jenny had been at his age .
14 Presidential sources said Gen Eyadema , who seized power in a 1967 coup , had been at his quarters at the base during the attack .
15 If I had been at my gun , I would have been dissected .
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