Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] in the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think it was just because of the the people who put the pressure on at that time , perhaps people who 'd been in the tenants association before , did n't see that as a priority .
2 I thought it would be quicker , you see and I 'd been in the services as well , because I used to give a subscription to British Legion
3 Leek out , had this heart trouble , and he 'd been in the Signals about oh ten year , he , he was on for twelve engagement and he nearly completed it when he had this heart trouble .
4 He set up an organisation there to try to help those who 'd been in the hands of the Moonies .
5 In the 1910 general election the Conservatives ’ main gains had been in the counties generally and the southern counties in particular .
6 ‘ I did n't know at the time it had been in the Quakers boardroom but it was a good , handmade , solid oak table and I got it for a reasonable price , ’ he said .
7 Toby Farrar 's wife would think he had been in the wars .
8 I knew that when at last I was demobilised from the Waaf I would have to return to my peacetime occupation as a secretary in London , for the simple reason that my employers had been paying me my full salary all the time I had been in the Forces , that is , making up the difference between my Waaf pay and what I would have been earning with them .
9 By the end of the year all the other masters who had been in the forces had returned , and life was beginning slowly to get back to normal .
10 As last season illustrated , Neath were nowhere near as good as their Champion status indicated , nowhere near as good as they had been in the seasons of extraordinary success that preceded the advent of the leagues .
11 Tearing into the Instrument , some behave ‘ as if they had been in the schools , where each man had liberty to propose his own Utopia , and to frame commonwealths according to his own fancy …
12 For some time financial control had been in the hands of a receiver after the Leeds City company was wound up .
13 The training of the vernacular clergy had been in the hands of Arthur Dilworth , the first time that a missionary had been completely set aside for this important task .
14 Secondly , the royal corpse was mangled ; it had been in the hands of embalmers and above ground for four years .
15 The Garlands , and their shop with the rooms over , were out of period , relics of a time when the business and management of the town had been in the hands of a few prosperous traders .
16 A number of documents had been in the drawers but not a list of computer codes .
17 Though there had been in the years leading up to 1832 theoretical choice between these two ways forward , towards political democracy or towards industrial democracy , few would have distinguished the two so sharply before the passage of the Reform Bill .
18 Behind this , almost certainly , lay the new economic pressures of an expanding population which were leaving the agricultural worker worse off than he had been in the years of land surplus .
19 The customs accounts there for the decade 1450–60 show that the average annual export of broadcloths , by both denizens and aliens , was a third lower than it had been in the years 1440–50 ( 94 , pp.334–5 ) . ’
20 This was quite as true when Tabitha Jute met Marco Metz in Schiaparelli as it had been in the days of the Big Step , years before she was born .
21 When challenged to say what was on his mind , he replied that he had been wondering whether it would ever be given to him to make France great again , as it had been in the days of Charlemagne .
22 Frankish Kings could be as brutal as Euric had been in the days of Visigothic expansion .
23 Matthew had been in the stables late , looking at one of his mares who was about to foal .
24 So relaxed now ; yet only a short while ago he had been in the depths of despair .
25 Although the material was systematically arranged as it was collected , the system changed very significantly at least three times , and by the time it arrived at the Institute in Nottingham , any order there had been in the files of material was lost .
26 Three families in Ayrshire , for instance , who had eight children taken away in a raid in June 1990 ; little was heard of their situation until after the Orkney case had been in the headlines for some time .
27 But the last time he had been in the headlines , people had known him by a different name — Chris Bott .
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