Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [vb pp] [subord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Night-time bus services are to resume on a council estate where they 'd been withdrawn because of gang attacks .
2 My Parliamentary opponents would have been outraged if they 'd been excluded because of their colour .
3 Even so , it was equally true that huge sums had been lost in the courts and he called to mind a case from the text books , when a million dollar had been forfeited because of the misplaced comma .
4 ( Such a theory involved denying the claims of James 's son , but doubts had been raised as to whether the Queen had really conceived the child , it being widely believed that the baby had been smuggled into the bed-chamber in a warming-pan . )
5 He left behind him a town in uproar and the foundations of his fame , for he had been recognised while in Whitehaven and his identity had been confirmed by the Irish deserter .
6 Many lives had been lost because of Mills ’ treachery but the government was unwilling to do anything about it .
7 How many opportunities , how many loving relationships had been lost because of masked feelings ?
8 By eight weeks , three patients had been withdrawn because of adverse drug side effects while four had been transferred to other medical treatment and two had undergone surgery because of increasing pain or ulcer size .
9 Like many readers before and since , the author of The Cloud identified Mary the contemplative with Mary Magdalene and with the woman who had anointed the feet of Christ , washed them with her tears and who was told by Jesus that her sins had been forgiven because of her great love .
10 They claimed the ban had been imposed because of pressure from Dublin .
11 Only just over half of this had been collected when in November 1296 Edward approached the clergy for yet more help : on this occasion Winchelsey took a very different line .
12 Saddam 's message to the American people was broadcast on Sept. 26 , saying that sanctions had been opposed because of Iraq 's rejection of " the Zionist occupation of the land of Palestine " , but that Iraq 's stance was supported by 200 million Arabs .
13 All Aitken 's evidence — uncontradicted by any other evidence — confirms that well before Curtis Brown received the £500 , instructions had been given as to the charitable destination of the money .
14 The move was interpreted as an attempt to persuade the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to release some US$500,000,000 of credits which had been withheld because of concern about the management of the country 's economy .
15 Just as interesting perhaps is to visualise the landscape that would have been created if enclosure had been delayed until after the introduction of barbed wire in the 1870s .
16 His visit , the first by a senior East European official since the collapse of communism there , had been delayed because of political turmoil in China and Poland , according to a Polish official .
17 This had been delayed because of the November 1991 general election [ see p. 38589 ] and the resulting political uncertainty .
18 The United Kingdom , which at the 1989 conference in Malaysia had been isolated because of its opposition to a declaration calling for an intensification of sanctions against South Africa , took a lead in Harare on several issues .
19 Somehow , after calls for the resignation of the general secretary had been rejected because of support from his old shipmates on the north east coast , the union managed to take out a loan and to survive .
20 Although his initial interest had been aroused because of the connection between current problems and events which may have taken place in a former life , he became so enthralled by the topic that he took it up for its own sake .
21 Sir Hugh told BBC Northern Ireland 's ‘ Inside Ulster ’ that lives had been saved because of interruptions to IRA attacks in London .
22 A profoundly deaf person felt that it was best to reveal her disability after contact had been made because of the ‘ funny ideas ’ people have about deafness .
23 The other ‘ road ’ had been developed when in Avon Finance v Bridger [ 1985 ] 2 A11 ER 281 the court envisaged the extension of the protection previously given to wives to elderly parents , and in the present case Scott LJ saw no reason why the ‘ protection ’ should not extend to all cases where the relationship between the surety and debtor was one in which influence by the debtor over the surety and reliance by the surety on the debtor were natural and probable .
24 The decision was seen as particularly embarrassing for Aquino as the original charge had been selected because of its severity , in an attempt to deter further coup attempts by demonstrating a new determination to punish insurrectionists .
25 In announcing his decision , Bush brushed aside questions on Souter 's attitude to abortion and civil rights , stating that he had been selected because of his " keen intellect and highest ability " .
26 The appellant , who had been conscripted whilst in Englnd into the Netherlands armed forces , was alleged to be absent without leave .
27 Like other party leaders before and since , Ramsay MacDonald had been regarded as on the Left before his election , particularly because of his opposition to the war and his domination of the Independent Labour Party after Keir Hardie 's death in 1915 .
28 A Defence Ministry spokesman said that this had been decided because of the " difficult conditions " in Armenia , Azerbaijan and Georgia .
29 The most obvious is that er an area had been inset because of the need for expansion of a settlement .
30 ( Turkey 's membership application on April 1987 had been shelved until at least 1993 — see p. 37133 — and Morocco 's application had been rejected in October 1987 — see p. 36245 .
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