Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [prep] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 They came up to view Heidi 's riding display then I went back with them and Vicki and Malcolm diverted from Barford on the Sunday where they 'd been for lunch and picked me up Sunday afternoon the sort of following weekend .
2 If she 'd been at home and beset by devils like this , she would most likely have gone for a walk .
3 I th I think they 'd been on holiday and , she took ill on the holiday and , and came erm , she was stopping at erm , Edith 's and er it happened then .
4 Dot sat herself cross-legged on the bed and watched him perched on the chair by the window , blinking and twitching and fidgeting but never looking her way , then seeming to fall asleep and looking quite young , younger than Mr Brown anyhow , and certainly not at all like Sally 's dad who 'd been to Burma and eaten rats .
5 MI5 decided to do a trace on pretty well everybody who 'd been to Cambridge and Oxford during the thirties and showed communist sympathies .
6 We 'd been in make-up and when we were n't called he said , ‘ Right , Dennis , open the bar . ’
7 ‘ I always wished I 'd been in love and run away when I was young . ’
8 Er but I used to tell people and they you know people near me that had a lot of children and er they 'd moan and groan about it , I heard one woman say erm , she 'd had quite a few children and I I 'd been in hospital and I said er , er a certain person that 'd had a baby had lost it .
9 There were sometimes they , they came , if they 'd been in action and er , the people had actually found blood and parts of the uniforms in the air gunner 's compartment at the back , and the , the fella , the navigator u and bomb aimer used to be in the nose , they had n't got much of a chance if they came down in there because they were right cut off from the rest of the aircraft so , but it was virtually a suicide position in the nose of the Bostons .
10 The estimate had been between £40,000 and £60,000 , but competition between the Khalili Galleries of London and an unnamed museum drove the price through the roof .
11 Although he differentiated his position from that of Draper , suggesting that the struggle had been between science and dogmatic theology rather than between science and religion , A. D. White insisted that there had been a theological and a scientific view of every question , invariably at odds .
12 Julia found herself wanting to get to know her better , quite certain by then that whatever there had been between Suvarov and Felicity while his first wife was alive it had not been the kind of affair David had assumed .
13 The reports differed , however , as to whether the clashes had been between Uzbeks and Armenians , Tadjiks and Armenians , or Uzbeks and Tadjiks .
14 Whatever was or had been between Matthew and Jenny was not yet resolved , Sara realised from Jenny 's preoccupation with the man .
15 She could not remember her dream , only that it had been about Edmund and that he loved her .
16 She told magistrates that she had been into town and was late getting the car back home to her parents who needed it for an important appointment .
17 Mrs Bennet had been into town and brought back details of the damage .
18 Mompesson , whose wife was among those to succumb , wrote that Eyam had become ‘ a Golgotha — a place of skulls ; and had there no been a small remnant of us left , we had been as Sodom and Gomorrah .
19 The majority had been of wood and most of these were lost through fire .
20 His first feelings had been of shock and then fear .
21 Rosemary had been to Venice and seen the original bridge , and she enthused for a long time on the beauties of that city and how much she would like to go there again after the war was over .
22 He had been to Aberdeen and joined the Gordon Highlanders .
23 He had been to Sandhurst and served in a cavalry regiment before going to Kenya to farm .
24 When it came to subordinate males , however , there was a strong relationship between how nice males had been to infants and how likely they were to be attacked by the female : nicer males fared better .
25 little boy had been to school and his mother and father was waiting for him to come home .
26 An earlier draft had been to George and Rowland Wilson but the latter 's name does not appear on the final copy .
27 She too had been to Canonmills and Broughton school ( though she says she was " not very clever " ) and first of all went to work at a draper 's shop in the West End , a job for which she remained still nostalgic .
28 " Jack " , in Dublin , had been to bars and meeting-places , had made inquiries , had met this man and then that , reporting back to Bert and Jasper that things were going on as they should .
29 The people , the routine , the boredom : frankly , he had been to hell and back .
30 Robert had seen the development in varying stages , and had assisted in shipping out tons of building materials , but it was four months since he had been to Barbados and a lot of progress had been made since then .
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