Example sentences of "[vb past] [Wh adv] she [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 One woman described how she had gone back to work after the death of her husband , determined to be brave .
2 For example , she described how she had gone about painting ‘ The Shelton with Sunspots ’ ( 1926 ) which was exhibited in 1927 : ‘ I do n't start until I 'm almost entirely clear .
3 Iris stared with her mouth open as she described how she had found them .
4 Co-director Deborah Coles recounted how she had spent the last 3 days attending the inquest on a man known to be at risk , who committed suicide in prison .
5 One nurse in the study told how she had to give up training after being branded a trouble-maker for complaining about a male nurse who continually groped her .
6 Lamont told how she had gone round the dining room at breakfast handing out brochures about her Foundation .
7 THE widow of murdered Belfast hairdresser Sean Hughes today told how she had chatted with her husband in his shop less than an hour before he was killed .
8 A woman told how she had spent the last fifteen years of her life ‘ allowing my husband to make choices for me ’ .
9 Mr Gilbert told how she had divorced her husband after he had an affair with another woman .
10 Colleagues wept as they told how she planned to meet up with a friend for a two-week walking holiday .
11 A NEIGHBOUR wept yesterday as she told how she refused to look after baby Farrah .
12 She recalled how she had steadied the block with one hand while pulling at the handle with the other , and how smoothly the blade had slid from its slot .
13 Once more she saw the attractive man she had noticed in the High Street , and her colour rose as she recalled how she had hoped to meet him some day .
14 He recalled how she had given a great deal of help to the group of residents who in 1981 formed Project ‘ 81 — now the Hampshire Centre for Independent Living — which developed a structure to enable disabled people to leave residential care and live in the community .
15 I guessed why she had brought me round into the shadow .
16 She hid it under cushions , in vases , under the stair carpet , and then forgot where she had put it .
17 ‘ Binge ’ diary Week 1 Decided to give up vomiting ; binged three times 2–3 Noticed that when stressed by children she turned to food and binged 4–5 Binged only once each week 6–7 Returned home and observed how she wanted to please her parents 8–9 On holiday , eating three meals a day — discovered she did not put on weight .
18 This is not the case , though , if the proposed subject is outside the catchment area of school and university examinations , as Terry Lovell discovered when she offered to write a book on Gissing for a leftwing series , which had asked for one on Jane Austen .
19 He knew Katherine Lundy 's reputation in Dublin , knew what she was , knew how she had achieved her reputation there and how she had carved herself a slice of the London underworld .
20 ‘ Very , thank you , ’ she said , wondering what his reaction would be if he knew how she had spent the past hour .
21 God alone knew how she had tried .
22 She had her eyes on the figure striding across the hall towards the telephone table , and the look on her face caused him to close his own eyes for a moment , for he knew how she had taken what Martin had said : although it had been voiced lightly it was meant to have serious intent , and in her own mind his marrying would mean once again that she would have notice to quit .
23 She could n't bring herself to look at him , and God knew how she managed to drag out the conventional words in a voice already husky with pain .
24 Theodora knew when she 'd met her match .
25 Phoebe knew when she had reached the lump , but the fingers went on circling , and then probing her armpit .
26 She knew why she had pulled away from him the night before — because she could n't allow herself to become remotely interested in him .
27 She had known Sam all her life and though he was a worthy and hard-working man , she knew why she had held back from agreeing to marry him .
28 And then he knew why she had come .
29 She also knew why she had come here with him today .
30 All right , he now knew why she had come — not to follow him as he 'd thought , but to deliver the letters ; but that still did n't explain his anger .
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