Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [adj] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They 'd been good to Mam , though , sending her money when they could .
2 I 'd been lucky to book one of the two wheelchair spaces with adjacent seats for my family for last Saturday 's final night of the spectacular Robin of Sherwood musical .
3 If I 'd been kinder to Leon would he have done those things ?
4 For the first time , she thought that her life — wretched as it was — had been preferable to marriage with this man .
5 The Commission voted on Nov. 26 , 1990 , to suspend the four-year-old subsidy system which had been available to EC shipbuilders to encourage them to compete against cheaper products from South Korea or Japan .
6 As the world warmed , the global sea level rose at rates which certainly were without parallel in the last 100,000 years , but until this month no continuous record of this sea-level change had been available to scientists .
7 If he had been indifferent to Catherine , if he had not loved her at least as much , more , than she did herself , she could not have done it .
8 Although from his truculent manner , it was hard to see him as brotherly , but then Denis had been nearest to Uncle Mick .
9 He had also declared that it was not possible to judge Albania by the example of other countries and that " centralized government and tight disciple " [ i.e. one-party rule ] had been essential to Albania 's development .
10 Most of them had been due to efforts on the spot by units of the Red Army .
11 It seemed that the doctor 's hunch had been right : all these problems had been due to Candida .
12 Miss Merchiston , who had refused to wear mourning up until today , was now correctly attired in black crêpe , but Theda had been obliged to content herself with her dark stuff gown and black ribbons to her cap .
13 Dana had embraced the dancing and singing lessons with fervour , but Claudia , trailing behind her sister , had been bored to tears by them , and after a time her father had put an end to what he 'd seen as a waste of his money and Claudia 's time .
14 For the first four years of the new school 's existence the buildings were used much as they had been prior to amalgamation , but in 1974 organisation was rationalised to provide departmental areas with teaching rooms and adjacent resource bases .
15 After putting a trial foot several times in the river , Harriet launched herself and swam as if she had been used to water all her life .
16 Decorative vaulting had been used to effect in England , but in Parler 's imaginative hands , first the crazy vault and then the net vault , reached their full potential .
17 Carla had been opposed to penis penetration on political grounds and Polly had never once achieved orgasm during intercourse .
18 Mr Major had been opposed to Mr Clinton 's original plan to parachute supplies into Bosnia generally instead of airlifts .
19 These officers had been loyal to Allende .
20 Earlier in the day , I had been close to despair .
21 Hu Jintao , 49 , a former party secretary in Tibet , had been close to Hu Yaobang , the reformist general secretary ousted in January 1987 .
22 Margaret had been close to tears as she 'd responded to her elder daughter 's terse demand for further information — a phenomenon in itself , as Gina knew her mother rarely allowed emotion to disturb the still beautiful contours of her face .
23 The affair of the Lucona , which blew up off the Maldives in January 1977 , had led to the resignations of three leading politicians who had been close to Proksch .
24 The economy had been close to collapse even before Atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki , and the surrender itself coincided with one of the worst rice harvests for decades .
25 Following the government retreat over the terms of the Directive in 1988 it was estimated that Anglian would have to spend £60-£70 million over the following 10 years to clean up the water supplies of Bedford and Norwich , along with a total 25 supplies that had been subject to derogations .
26 In the GLC case , which was the last in which a cinema film had been subject to charges of indecency , Lord Justice Bridge agreed with Lord Denning that the common-law test still applied to films , but went on :
27 Most had been subject to companies ' general cost-cutting exercises and are now smaller in number and size than formerly .
28 The immediate cause of his first campaign was to support the town of Lodi , which had been subject to control by Milan .
29 It was not undertaken in 11 of those who had been subject to suffocation , five referred before the po 2 monitor was available , four patients >1 year with infrequent events , two for whom social problems resulted in a prolonged hospital stay , and one who died before admission .
30 As Poles they had been subject to St Petersburg 's longstanding attempts to interfere in relations between Polish nobles and non-Polish peasants .
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