Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 She 'd been flattered to be asked , of course .
2 ‘ You were afraid of the light because you 'd been taught to be afraid of it , ’ said Rachaela .
3 She 'd been wanting to be my best friend for ages .
4 If she 'd been pretending to be busy before , she really was busy now .
5 I read everything I could find about France ( since France was my dream country , where I felt I 'd been meant to be born and grow up … ) and developed a particular passion for the French Revolution , reading all the Scarlet Pimpernel books , the story of the first Madame Tussaud , forced to model the guillotined heads , and everything that I could find that would bring it all to life .
6 She 'd been required to be beautiful and talented and independent , but she had n't wanted to be any of those things .
7 He 'd travelled half round the world , seen and done things she could only guess at , while she 'd never been further than Kingswood when she 'd been taken to be viewed as apprentice to a nailmaker .
8 Work had been planned to be carried out during the possession on a Saturday night to carry out some pointing
9 If the election had been declared to be void ( as Panama and Liberia asserted ) , the Committee 's actions in the intervening period would have been of no legal effect .
10 He and Jennifer had been engaged to be married , then when she had been diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis he had left her and gone to Australia to work .
11 Most noticeable were the ‘ naughty ’ children , the ones who had been sent to be told off , or who in some way had become ‘ cases ’ .
12 This is because certain newspapers thoughtlessly mentioned that some pet cats in California had been discovered to be suffering from the AIDS virus .
13 It was decided that Joan should telephone Alexander Atkins at a number which he had given to Derek and which had been discovered to be that of the police station at Dysart .
14 Three weeks ago , we looked at God 's call to Jeremiah ; it taught us about God , and about the prophet who had been called to be God 's spokesman to His people Israel .
15 Justice must be seen to be done , however , and when it had been seen to be done , the miscreants were cheered by a crowd assembled outside the court .
16 Some time later Philip wrote to say that , although he had not put his own name forward for consideration , he himself had been invited to be the official biographer and had accepted .
17 I thought William Shatner had been had to be resumed or something .
18 This is despite a major reduction in the proportion of calls performed by deputising services , the use of which had been said to be the main factor increasing the numbers of night visits .
19 When she was eighteen and had actually been accepted at Chelsea Art School , she had been determined to be somebody wonderful , somebody famous , like Amelia Earhart or Margaret Mead .
20 Throughout its search for a solution , Pearl had been determined to be as objective as possible .
21 This of course was also a severe blow to the emerging Labour Party and again the politicians had to try to restore what had been understood to be the position by passing the Trade Union Act 1913 .
22 In that year the German chemist Friedrich Wohler ( 1800–92 ) found a way of producing from inorganic materials the chemical urea ; always beforehand this had been assumed to be a substance that could be produced only by bodily ( biochemical ) reactions .
23 In his young days unmarried men had been assumed to be wicked dogs , gay bachelors .
24 Previously they had been assumed to be something that belonged to the Royal College of Art , the Slade School , the Royal Ballet School , and so on .
25 On May 15 the US-mediated peace talks which ( since May 9 ) had been scheduled to be held in London on May 20 , were postponed until one week later .
26 Though far too small for me , the bike had been saved to be passed on to Cymbeline ; somehow it had been overlooked in the purge .
27 A few months before , when she was much younger , she would have screeched this aloud and brought the breakfast table to an uproar , but now she smiled while the coldness took careful and eternal appreciation of the fact that he had been flattered to be asked .
28 They were now the self-confident , responsible young ladies they had been trained to be by both the school and their own families .
29 Austen Chamberlain had been trained to be a conventional statesman ; Rugby , Cambridge and a determination to live down his father 's reputation had all combined to make him the most conformist of politicians .
30 He despised the ease with which he could now engage in a life beyond the mightiest exertions of the man he had been born to be .
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