Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] the time [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 It also agreed that the time was ripe for a declaration of national policy .
2 He argued that the time was now ripe for the application of the positivist method to social phenomena and for the establishment of sociology , a term he seems to have invented .
3 The substantial minority at The Hague who opposed the plan to send envoys believed that the time was not yet ripe for direct public agitation to stop the war .
4 A Muslim foundation that offered more than $3 million for Mr Rushdie 's head added that the time was ripe for the death sentence to be carried out .
5 He appealed to Miloš to join him , but Miloš judged that the time was inopportune and promptly told the Turkish governor in Belgrade of the plot .
6 After appointing Thorneycroft as Secretary of State for Defence in July 1962 , Macmillan decided that the time was ripe to take a further step in the gradual process of integrating the management of the Services .
7 Now , with the expansion of availability of SCOTVEC awards to increasing numbers of candidates , to a wider range of centres and to a greater coverage of occupational areas , SCOTVEC 's Board decided that the time was right to review the quality system which supports our awards to ensure that the system could continue to meet its objectives in the years head .
8 Holding another general election might entail a general breakdown : Nkrumah again urged that the time was ripe for independence now .
9 And , when she glanced at her watch , she saw that the time was thirty-two minutes past three .
10 They felt that the time was ripe for a new approach .
11 True to his maxim that ‘ Liberty crowns the edifice ’ , Napoleon III now felt that the time was opportune and , as a first step , had granted virtually total freedom of the press and the tight of public meetings .
12 Now about four or five years ago , we felt that the time was right to promote our involvement with industry and commerce rather more vigorously .
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