Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At least the British players demonstrated that they fully deserved to be on the same court — much against many people 's expectations .
2 They often came into conflict with the local Transport Committees , formed from the local branches of the main transport unions , who correctly maintained that they alone had the right to issue permits for the movement of essential items which would otherwise have been held up in the dispute .
3 I have used this set-up to photograph cichlids , but I found that they invariably show their fright colours and not their lovely breeding colours .
4 Friedman 's doctors found that they often needed to confront the patients with their underlying hostility .
5 She tried to pin her thoughts elsewhere , but found that they always boomeranged back .
6 I myself did not know anything about this and having checked with Gillyan Ford and all Publicity Assistants , found that they too had had no previous indication of the requirement to scan adverts .
7 Higher social groups appeared to make more use of health services in relation to need however ( Brotherston 1976 ; Forster 1976 ) and research published shortly after the Black Report argued that they also obtained a disproportionate share of NHS resources when ill ( Le Grand 1982 ) .
8 He said that he respected the views of his colleagues at SO , but added that they obviously had taken their decision on the information they had , while the SSO was still in the process of getting information from the management about the proposal .
9 He had felt the need , though , to take into account the super-sensitive relations between these two teams , and if the biggest surprise was that he had addressed gentle caution to the English management as well , they having been innocent , faraway onlookers during the shenanigans , it was because he recognised that they too nursed feelings of exasperation and he imagined that they might soon have burst uncontrollably into flames .
10 With my feet frozen to the floor , I followed the red lights in the sky until they both disappeared and the two loud bangs which followed signified that they too had come down heavily somewhere .
11 1 noticed that they frequently lost interest during bulletins when political activities and speeches were reported or some official announcement was made .
12 When I enlarged and looked more closely at some of the diagrams in the book , I noticed that they also carried marks indicating where an Edwardian cyclist would have encountered a crossroad , a sharp bend , even a humpback bridge .
13 He noticed that they continually moved in a zigzag fashion .
14 Over 90 per cent stated that they frequently supervised and assisted small groups of children engaged in educational activities set by the teacher , and encouraged children by offering appropriate attention and by showing interest in their activities .
15 A spokesman confirmed that they probably come from the Bremen Kunstverein , from which fifty paintings , 1,715 drawings and 3,000 prints went missing at the end of the war , and that experts are still examining them .
16 They declared that they both agreed on the need for further reductions in their respective nuclear stockpiles , but that they had not yet agreed on which types of weapons should be reduced and the speed of reductions .
17 He claimed that they soon adapted to life in captivity and became useful pest-controllers .
18 People who claimed that they generally did not dream , when woken from REM sleep , did in fact report dreams , but they were particularly prone to forgetting them — if woken after the REM period was over , they recalled even fewer instances of dreaming than those who claimed regularly to recall dreams in the morning.6 In another study generally confirming these findings it was also noticed that " non-dreamers " tended to report that they were awake and thinking when woken from REM sleep .
19 Bouchard 's studies of identical twins separated at birth and brought up in different countries , classes and cultures , showed that they still shared similarities in actions and habits despite separation .
20 No doubt people reckoned that they only needed one pair of sheets , but they were wrong .
21 The risk of litigation was pointed out , but the firm replied that they now intended to release the tenancy ‘ with or without the consent of the surviving partner ’ , and did so .
22 The distance learning materials do not always reach the students when needed , and a survey indicated that they rarely received more than one visit a year from their supervisor because of the shortage of transport .
23 Of the three informants ( 10% ) who marked it , at this late stage , as an SF element , two indicated that they only read a small amount of SF , and the other said that she never read anything of the genre .
24 Still , their very size guaranteed that they also contained a very large number and substantial proportion of the middle and lower middle classes — say between 20 and 23 per cent in both London and Paris .
25 I discovered that they virtually ran a bird hospital and I was soon bringing them more casualties and learning a lot of useful things about bird-keeping and care .
26 The Serbian Volunteers were a force recruited under the puppet government of Gen Nedic to serve Serbian interests , although this meant that they frequently had to act in concert with the Germans .
27 Yet this meant that they also wanted to transcend the limitations of the Greek achievement in the light of the new faith .
28 Furthermore , the idea the Egyptians had of an eternal and immutable world meant that they never imagined any evolution of social conditions .
29 This , he claimed , meant that they sometimes had to act more rather than less on their own initiative .
30 Fortunately , there was a small cell of opinion within the Air Ministry that passionately believed they knew the reason for the failure and , more importantly , felt that they also knew the answer .
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