Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] [noun sg] [noun] is " in BNC.

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1 I can not end this short debate without paying tribute to the Government , who have without doubt recognised that adult education is vital — that adults are an important client group who have education and training needs well worthy of Government interest and support .
2 Last night showed that music hall is a living breathing form of our national heritage .
3 In Table 16–2 we showed that income tax is progressive .
4 Initial experiments showed that shape information is potentially very useful for reducing the number of candidate words ( see Table 5.9 ) .
5 Tests on 16 fossilised shellfish showed that acid dating is as accurate as carbon dating .
6 They showed that acid rain is leaching important plant nutrients such as calcium , magnesium and potassium from the soils , making them unavailable to trees .
7 Her sufferings were enough to fill a few episodes of the soap and showed that career success is n't a guarantee of happiness .
8 Both through my background reading and my own observations it appeared that day care is perceived differently by different providers of services .
9 The report examined research from the United Kingdom , the United States and Australia , and concluded that cigarette advertising is getting through to children and encouraging them to smoke and to carry on smoking .
10 After questioning 600 non-information technology senior executives and 90 information technology ones in the UK , researcher Graham Browne concluded that hardware maintenance is not the low growth service that people previously thought it was .
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