Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] [conj] she have " in BNC.

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1 She reported that since she had left hospital her parents had been more sympathetic towards her .
2 Her face burned as she realised that while she had been soaring naïvely in previously unthought-of heights of bliss Luke Hunter had just been mentally carving another notch on his bed-post .
3 Perplexed , Ashley looked at him , then it registered that as she had been astonished to see him so he was equally stunned to see her .
4 It was an attitude she had encountered before admittedly — from people who assumed that because she had grown up in hotels , she had been able to enjoy all the comforts afforded to the customers .
5 A letter from her killer and kidnapper to West Yorkshire Police claimed that after she had been beaten unconscious , then strangled , her body had been kept in a wheelie-bin for two days before being taken to where it was later found Easton , near Grantham , Lincs in July 1991 .
6 After that she reckoned that if she had n't moved on to somewhere bigger , she 'd probably be stuck here forever reading out the latest sheep prices at six o'clock every morning .
7 Michael Lee was well used to Katherine 's preference for darkened rooms ; when had had first started work for her , he had done some research and discovered that when she had operated in Dublin , she had never appeared in public during the daylight hours and always met her business associates in darkened rooms , where she was known only as Madam Kitten .
8 ‘ I decided that if she had run away she must have gone somewhere where it would be very difficult to find her .
9 At the time she thought she might have to give up riding , and decided that if she had Bubbles broken to harness she could have some fun driving her and doing some in-hand showing .
10 And erm , but they decided that as she had n't drawn a horse in the National , she 'd got the n she was the nearest to a winner that they could
11 None the less the brisk , no-nonsense manner implied that once she had found what , if any , they might be , like the good feminist she was , she would be out there dealing with them .
12 Daphne felt that if she had n't been a girl , she would have been happy ’ ‘ The letters show beyond doubt that Daphne had an affair with the American actress Gertrude Lawrence'
13 She felt that if she had n't been a girl , she would have been happy . ’
14 He was a real old country doctor , of a type that is fast dying out , and she knew that if she had been a few years younger he would have patted her on the cheek .
15 And she knew that if she had been made welcome from the start , she would still want to be with them , in spite of this comparative luxury .
16 Yet she also knew that if she had succumbed to her longing she would not have been satisfied , knowing what she now knew of the terrible difficulties of love .
17 Puts , but she knew that if she 'd bought me one with all those buttons , I 'd off just confused her
18 Maybe people thought that since she 'd been a witch when alive , she 'd be a ghost once she was dead .
19 Maybe people thought that since she 'd been a witch when alive , she 'd be a ghost once she was dead .
20 Maggie was a very young woman , she thought that if she had to face a gang of young firemen she would be more comfortable in something smart .
21 Now she thought that if she had to clear the table once more , put the few plates in the dish-washer , put the cereal packet away , brush the crumbs from the table top , she would scream and go on screaming : scream until the plaster started to crack from the walls and the neighbours gathered to stand whispering outside the window and the cat fled in terror .
22 Examining her responses to this normal catalogue of everyday events , of life , she found that she wished she was dead , had been dead for some time , so that she was used to it : and then she thought that if she had been dead for long enough , she would probably be bored with that by now .
23 We stopped again to buy olive oil and garlic , for Lili said that although she had vowed not to interfere she was going to cook dinner and , while my mother would complain , she would be grateful in the end .
24 Miss Armstrong said that when she had visited Wolsingham Comprehensive School , one of the first users of the Echo on CD-Rom , she had been kept on her toes by the fact that the pupils were well-informed about things she had said and done .
25 Jane reflected that if she 'd been enormous , with masses of stomach and bust up front , Lajos might have thought twice about bashing her .
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