Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] [pron] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It also transpired that he had done virtually no mathematics .
2 When I heard recently on the radio that he had been arrested in Tasmania the wild fancy occurred that someone had forgotten to de-miniaturise him and that he had finally worked his way through to Australia .
3 Indeed , Eoin O'Duffy , who led an Irish contingent to Spain to help Franco , maintained that they had gone to fight the battle of Christianity against Communism , a view which was confirmed for them by the Irish Dominican father , Revd Paul O' Sullivan when he said :
4 The prosecution alleged that they took part in a plan to offload cannabis resin at the Norfolk coast , the accused maintained that they had helped to load the cannabis on to the tug , but the drug was destined for Holland and not the UK .
5 Roger , an art historian , had first gone to the Mansions as Margaret 's friend , and maintained that she had said : ‘ Of course I never read Ivy 's trash . ’
6 Richards , a reformed alcoholic , was plagued by allegations that she had used marijuana and cocaine ; she maintained that she had used no " mood altering chemical " for the last 10 years , but refused to state whether she had ever used illegal drugs .
7 The accused maintained that he had gone to her home to ask if she had received a letter of apology from him for his earlier crime .
8 They encountered no opposition though Ranulf maintained that he had seen a rider watching them as they crossed the bridge at Dalmeny .
9 After the Fleischmann and Pons press conference in 1989 Jones recalled this early achievement of ‘ breakeven ’ in muon catalysed fusion and joked that they had wondered whether to call a press conference in 1982 and announce that energy output from fusion had been accomplished .
10 Associates were shocked by the transformation , and joked that he had become a plain-clothes policeman .
11 When Robert McFarlane was charged with withholding information from Congress about diverting arms sale funds to the Contras , Reagan openly joked that he had done the same and withheld information from Congress .
12 For myself , I pretended that I had left home with full approval , inventing for myself a Harrogate doctor father , fleshing out an imaginary family … .
13 Venture capital giant 3i had not used executive search at all in the past four years but mentioned that they had lost a number of people through headhunters .
14 Eliot mentioned that he had written to Belgion , gently protesting against the intemperate way in which this comment had been conveyed .
15 In the end of season video ( I think ) he mentioned that he had recognised a problem at right back VERY early on .
16 In his forties it grew worse and he decided to see a specialist When Alan mentioned that he had taken a lot of antibiotics just before the urticaria began , the specialist suggested that he try a diet with no sugar and very little starch .
17 In the second letter you mentioned that you had asked Wyre Borough for further details of ownership of the site etc .
18 ‘ It would have been better if he had praised us no matter what anyone said , ’ Sheila said when the girls were alone with Rose , disappointed that he had failed to support them in public no matter what his intentions were .
19 One suffragette , Rosa Lamartine Yates , recounted that she had witnessed the double-standard in action while standing bail for two women at the west London police court .
20 Comedian Michael Bentine recounted that he had asked a sensitive why some parts of the chalk countryside around Folkestone , where he lived , gave him a great feeling of security and peace while others made him feel uncomfortable and nervous .
21 The two men exchanged experiences and found that they had heard the same noises of heavy breathing and the kick on the door .
22 After hearing the evidence , the Tribunale Penale di Roma found that they had obtained the drugs from Hurley for the purpose of entrapping Italian nationals , among them Mario Cetera , the husband of Joan Schumacher , American heiress to the Prentice Hall publishing fortune .
23 Later I found that they had put me in prison because of my madness .
24 Hailing each other , they found that they had come to the same conclusion : that so far as they could tell , in the gloom and confusion , the night was theirs , the camp completely broken up , the enemy scattered and leaderless and unlikely to rally now .
25 Looking cautiously out , the intruders found that they had holed up directly opposite the main German headquarters .
26 I found that I had become very tired and once again Boris said ‘ It 's time to go . ’
27 I hated speaking to large groups of people and normally would have avoided it at all costs , but I found that I had thought so much about this that telling other people was a relief .
28 By the end of ‘ Great Expectations ’ I found that I had enjoyed the book and had found it thought provoking and interesting .
29 And if you found that you had entered the company of players , of actors , of those descended from strolling vagabonds and historically always noted and envied for the looseness of their morals , then all your Christmases came at once .
30 To his surprise Riven found that he had joined them , and Darmid 's sword was naked in his hand .
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