Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] [pron] be his " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , the day after we all arrived in Newark , Tibby announced that it was his birthday , and Stanford had the idea of hiring a private dining-room at the Ram … ’
2 One farmer in North Wales admitted that it was his wife who had trained him in lambing techniques after having been on a training course .
3 Unfortunately , in 7 BC this neat arrangement was interfered with in order to honour Augustus by renaming the month Sextilis after him ( he believed that it was his lucky month ) and assigning to it the same number of days as the preceding month that had been renamed after his murdered great-uncle by Mark Antony .
4 He stated that it was his intention to start a Salisbury delivery but great-grandmother said that whilst she would n't change , her daughter who was about to marry might be interested .
5 At a recent press conference in Lahore , Nawaz Sharif claimed that it was his peace mission which brought about the joint US-Soviet communique which embarrassed the Bush government on the eve of Bush 's ‘ State of the Nation ’ address .
6 My interest was aroused when he reasoned that it was his blackness which constituted the major drawback in his life at one level , but at another , proved an indispensable asset to his eventual success .
7 The integration of the farm worker into this occupational community meant that it was his prestige among his fellow workers and neighbours that mattered most to him .
8 As ruler of Aquitaine Henry felt that it was his duty to impose a settlement , but in recent years Louis VII had been showing some interest in this region , which lay on the route between Paris and Toulouse .
9 I took with me a very young airman from the engineering wing and I understood that it was his first flight .
10 it was Mr that posed the question to me and I understood that it was his idea
11 Mehmed II , however , angered because Molla Yegan had been an active and very vocal opponent of the siege , retorted that it was his sword , not Molla Yegan 's prayers , which had achieved the victory .
12 Thus , when his secretary of the treasury ventured on one occasion to suggest that colonial rule was more efficient than the successor regimes in the newly independent states , the president brusquely retorted that it was his " personal conviction that almost any one of the newborn states of the world would far rather embrace Communism or any other form of dictatorship than accept the political domination of another government even though that brought to each citizen a far higher standard of living " .
13 Dad wasted no words and said that it was his bird in the box whereupon C … tried to brazen out the situation by saying he had found the cockbird in the garden and was taking it to the market in the morning .
14 And further , he said that it was his determination to see me again , to persuade me to live with him , that had streng-thened in him the desire to go on living , a desire that had been weak since the death of Montaine .
15 He considered that it was his primary duty to be a divine and theologian rather than a political bishop .
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