Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Then I had no excuse not to audition for plays , and when I did I found that I enjoyed it .
2 Hanging around with the photographer sparked Tony 's interest in the medium , ‘ It was a combination of things ; one was the bull , the adventure , the romance , and I really found that I liked it a lot .
3 He found that he liked it .
4 Agnes absorbed that and found that she believed it : Mo had been thirty years in intelligence work which trains up a determination not to know some things quite as strong as the desire to know others .
5 He stretched out a hand to Merrill , and she found that she needed it to escape the embrace of the thick , downy cushions .
6 because they realized that they needed it to invent something to fall in to what they 've already got .
7 Then he caught Epitot 's eye , and realized that he knew it too .
8 The Barley Mow tends to be an instant poll of opinion on matters motor racing , and before the Spanish Grand Prix when a Mansell comeback was mooted , one regular announced that he hoped it was true because Nigel was the most exciting British driver anyone could remember .
9 And he was n't alone amongst the instructors who felt this way : Jack Bisley , Sam Temple , and Amos Bernstein , they all admitted that they hated it ; but Angus McBride and Len looked forward to their trips as if they were half-day school holidays .
10 as if to prove that the National Hunt supermen that brought off this latest feat are in fact human , Pipe admitted that he got it badly wrong over his assessment of In-Keeping .
11 Where , in competition with the liquidator of an insolvent company , a creditor of the company was successful in obtaining a renewal of the certificate ( though he had neither right to , nor possession of , the premises in respect of which the certificate was granted ) and admitted that he held it in trust for the company 's creditors , he was ordered to deliver up the certificate to the liquidator : Wm .
12 This may be out of order but , er , personal experience is that the , er , non-executive directors who were involved in the compensation made a recommendation that , er Michael 's salary be higher erm , than he in fact a agreed with , he requested that we lower it and in fact that was what was done .
13 But she added that she feared it would not be possible to impose planning controls below the low-water mark , where the drilling rigs would be established .
14 I noted that he pronounced it in eighteenth-century fashion : ‘ m ’ verse' .
15 Sarella noticed that he put it all in the past tense .
16 It is exactly the sort of corkscrew I always use but the room was so dark and I so flurried that I drove it in sideways and broke the cork .
17 Two-thirds of a random sample of 54 of those with tinnitus showed that they found it disturbing , 72 per cent experienced it continuously , 18.5 per cent frequently and only 9.25 per cent occasionally .
18 In this writer 's view , Franco 's response showed that he understood it well enough , but behaved as though he did not in order to avoid direct confrontation with the Germans and , at the same time , to slow the war down .
19 At a later interview he was asked for what the Nobel had been awarded ; Eliot replied that he assumed it was for " the entire corpus " and the reporter asked , " When did you publish that ? "
20 Bessie Parkes more prudently replied that she thought it was " undeniable " that it would bring lower wages but " it was only fair to let women have a fair share in the competition " .
21 When they came up the grassy track that led to the headland , out of the wood that clothed the side of the valley where the village was , the girl was delighted and her mother relieved that she liked it .
22 When the company indicated that it considered it was the fairest situation that could be achieved in the circumstances , the union representatives said that they noted the company 's position .
23 Within Dotty 's hearing a home pirate remarked that he thought it had all been a storm in a teacup .
24 What had happened was that Syl had , one evening , flushed with wine , remarked that he thought it would be a good idea if we got married .
25 He eyed the cravat critically and decided that he liked it — in general , he admired and envied Mr Hellyer 's casual way of dressing — then crept silently closer and pounced .
26 But a remnant of caution urged that she tone it down , after all , Lucy …
27 Abruptness was her most familiar mode , and Liz sometimes fancied that she practised it with peculiar pleasure on Charles , whenever she got the chance : and Charles , accustomed to being listened to with reverence , took it in good part .
28 you meant that they thought it was a good thing to do .
29 However a 55 minute delivery when I was already on the way home on a Wednesday afternoon , meant that I missed it .
30 Erm yeah I th I mean I , I 've got more or less all the points that have been raised but I , I just felt that it went it er it was almost as though you 'd made your mind up before you went in that you were gon na tell him what compressed funds was
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