Example sentences of "[vb past] [not/n't] know [adv] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 He did not know exactly what school was .
2 Before her marriage Anna had been taken up as one of the handful of pet Americans and now , although they did not know exactly what had happened , everybody in London sided with her .
3 Muriel did not know precisely what she was trying to convey — more than consolation ; nothing she could have explained .
4 Surely he did not know precisely what was going on ?
5 The first was that de Gaulle did not know precisely what the future held for Algeria .
6 I did not know then what I was to find out later-that I myself was capable of a drastic re-ordering of the system .
7 He was too tired to go to the window again , and did not know now what he wanted to see on the other side of the glass .
8 He had known nothing of her plans , he did not know now what to expect , why this confining door should ever have been opened now , at this end of the day , after all permitted visits were over .
9 She knew she was missing something , even if she did not know quite what , but she and her parents had returned to their large room at the base of the Grimsdale 's house .
10 Even the highly cosmopolitan and very trendy audiences of New York City did not know quite what to say about it ; a typical reaction was from May Okon , of the New York Sunday News who wrote : ‘ Jack Nicholson 's Drive , He Said is how it read on the marquee of the Third Avenue movie house .
11 He did not know quite what to do about this .
12 It was my first attempt at this and I did not know quite what to expect .
13 Rather embarrassed that he had waited … as if he had been hanging on … shy , although it could not be the surroundings , he very gratefully accepted the offer of claret , knew it to be a good one and said so … did not know quite what to say … he had found a peculiar empathy grow between himself and this handsome , strong , elegant , privileged man of the world when they had been in the little hill church of St Kentigern 's .
14 He did not know quite what was implied by all this business of dresses , but he sensed something ugly — and flinched .
15 Maggie did n't know exactly what his position was , but he was high up on the management side .
16 They were n't speaking English , so I did n't know exactly what was said , but Anwar , after a glance , followed by a concerned closer study , followed by a little step to one side for a better angle , pointed anxiously at Changez 's arm .
17 SUPERNOVAE Starfield Guitars I did n't know exactly what to expect upon opening these guitar cases , but I found myself in danger of becoming seriously enthusiastic about the contents …
18 She could n't quite locate the nature of that terror , she did n't know exactly what evil it was that would occur , but she felt it tangibly .
19 ‘ Look , she 's perfectly welcome to stay here — I just did n't know exactly what her plans were . ’
20 And , although Folly stared at the slip of pasteboard with the kind of intensity that fortune-tellers reserved for Tarot cards , she did n't know exactly what he had in mind …
21 She did n't know exactly what he meant .
22 Well I was going to , I was just gon na say , I did n't know exactly , yeah I did n't know exactly what to say but I felt really silly saying it 's visiting times at the moment , or I 'm allowed to see him now , I do n't know I
23 When I signed up for the trip I really did n't know just what to expect ; when I got my packet information I wondered how I would stand up to it but I soon found I adjusted very well and even though I had never slept in a tent in a tent in a sleeping bag or had any experience canoeing I did OK .
24 Jeffrey : When I first recognized that I was homosexual , I could recognize my feelings but I did n't know actually what you were supposed to do — not just to meet people , that was difficult enough , but I did n't know what to do physically .
25 Muldoon did n't know quite what to say .
26 I did n't know quite what to answer , but he saved me the trouble .
27 Faced with the legend , she did n't know quite what to say .
28 Many children did n't know quite what the news meant , but were nevertheless suitably sombre . ’
29 He seemed to be awake for a long time , I think , you know like you wake up and you do n't know what to do with yourself , I think it was like that , so every quarter of an hour or so he kept me , shouting for a drink he did n't know quite what to do with himself
30 and er so that was ok and , you know , but they I did n't know quite what to do with myself when I got home then I watched , see the news , see about this Sharon er , no Sharon
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