Example sentences of "[vb past] [not/n't] [adv] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Today rebels attempted to persuade one hundred and forty workers who 'd not yet signed the agreement to battle on , but they failed in their bid to stop them from signing the deal .
2 Although she had climbed the West Face of the Romsdalhorn , shared leads on the Third Sella Tower and led a rope up Store Skagastoltind in the Jotenheim , she was convinced she 'd not yet experienced the full horrors and rigours of a ‘ real ’ alpine day .
3 Chief Insp Copeman admitted the police did not even known the cause of the accident .
4 I mean they were bright green , and I thought it was a different bike , I did n't even noticed the second time if it was a ladies or a man 's bike .
5 Tonight from his office in Abingdon Mr Kennedy said he was horrified by the penalty and insisted that he did n't even known the case was on .
6 Cardinal Glemp admitted that the Polish Catholic Church had not adequately understood the feelings of the Jewish community on this issue .
7 He stood with his hands in his pockets and she realised she had been so taken up with her seemingly childish pursuit that she had not even heard the car arrive .
8 He had not paid enough attention to Anna , he had not even seen the girl , and yet she was the only one to benefit obviously and directly from her father dying when he did .
9 In spite of these hesitations , with no one anxious to recognize Bao Dai first , not least because the French themselves had not even ratified the Elysee agreement , the US hoped , or wished to persuade itself , that full Vietnamese sovereignty would emerge from the chrysalis of the Bao Dai solution and as Acheson defined the US position on 23 December l949 : ‘ There is no apparent alternative to Bao Dai regime other than Commie domination Indo-China ’ .
10 Palestinian " rejectionist " groups , who had not even attended the 19th PNC session , also called for a change in PLO policy .
11 The third servant simply buried the funds entrusted to him in a hole in the ground for safekeeping and was condemned for his worthlessness because he had not even taken the ( virtually riskless ) alternative of leaving the money on deposit with the bankers .
12 The second reason was that Palmerston had gone further than that by insisting on the appointment of an architect who had not even entered the competition , and the third reason was that the whole affair was so tangled when he took office that he appointed a Select Committee to look into it .
13 Since the beginning of the modernist theological era , she had not even had the once-yearly chore of taking her urn and collecting up the incense and imprecations put up , however formalistically , for her own feast day .
14 She had not even had the support of her mother , sister , or boyfriend while she gave birth , and the baby had to stay in hospital for several weeks after she returned alone to her bedsit :
15 Their opponents ' difficulty was that they had not even read the original patent .
16 Jones , who had not even walked the course before playing had a poor start and returned an 80 in the morning .
17 That was confidence — the first man to carry his own food and water across the Sahara , and I had not even left the main road yet .
18 Foolishly , I had not even brought the automatic with me .
19 the army intelligence officer who had asked Beattie on the morning of his arrest for information on crimes in south-east Antrim had not even mentioned the one of which he was now accused .
20 Korea had not just intensified the Cold War with , for example , analogies being drawn between the partitioned Korean peninsula and the divided nature of Germany ; it also placed an extra burden on American resources .
21 It had not just weathered the recession and the downturn in travel caused by the Gulf war , but actually increased market share .
22 They had not consciously memorised the names or done anything which an honest man would consider wrong .
23 To those who believed that he had not rigorously demonstrated the earth 's motion , it would look as if he had condemned himself .
24 If Senna had not either won the race or finished second , he would have been out of the championship .
25 It would be naive of any Opposition Member to think that British Steel had not carefully considered the possibilities of that type of development , which requires a plentiful scrap supply and low energy costs .
26 The victim had not firmly identified the appellant as an assailant and only the police interviews with the appellant disposed of any issue as to identity .
27 Regulations 802/68 and 803/68 respectively on the concept of the origin of goods and on the valuation of goods for customs purposes were enacted under Article 235 on the basis that the treaty had not otherwise provided the necessary powers .
28 He said Durham and Darlington councils had not properly consulted the bus companies about speed restrictions and had failed to consider all the alternatives .
29 Were he to deflect the challenge by dissolving parliament , it would confirm he had not properly learnt the lessons of April 's disturbances .
30 Consequently , although the brown water lapped the top of the front steps , it had not yet reached the interior .
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