Example sentences of "[vb past] [coord] i be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The ambulance came and I was filled with delicious brandy but was instantly sick when I got to Imtarfa Hospital .
2 Finally , my father came and I was discharged and taken home .
3 The next day came and I was running round the wing like a mad thing , up and down the stairs saying goodbye to everyone , and people were saying , ‘ The bastard , she 's got her parole . ’
4 No sooner had I thrown it into the toilet than it exploded and I was spattered with the pan 's contents .
5 I felt fear at this moment but it passed and I was calmed in thought when the sensation passed .
6 My marriage failed and I was doing about one job every six months — I was on the fringe of things .
7 The result of such a mishap is often spectacular with the eighty h.p. engine trying to wind the rubber bow back to the stern , but on this occasion the engine quickly stalled and I was left drifting helplessly in a strong wind with rope from the outboard propeller stretching from stern to bow in an inaccessible position .
8 It was in April when we arrived and I was invited to join branch members in the Anzac Day Parade in Adelaide .
9 But he did , and off she went and I was left alone .
10 When my parents went and I was left alone I cried for most of the night .
11 Well when we went there was Phyllis , Julie , and me and I was in the middle of because I 'd never been on ice skates before , I 'd been roller skating holding each side of them right , and they let me go and I just went and I was going down and I went bang right on the bloody side .
12 Er because the pit bottom was lit up and it meant going down into the dark , an exciting thought for a young fella , er and so off I went and I was put down on one of the faces , as a lad , and said , Right lad , you want to be collier ?
13 They did and I was dragged out and thrown on to the grass .
14 He explained that his wife was a permanent invalid , unable to come to church , but said he : ‘ Since the day we got married we have shared everything we had and I am bringing this home to give to her . ’ )
15 ‘ Pretty much what happened was that I 'd been waiting all this time to be successful , to achieve whatever I was going to achieve , now I had and I was sitting in this flippin' hotel thinking : This is not where it 's at .
16 so she said I , I went in and I said to Geraldine I 'm going I owe you any bloody money take the bugger out me wages , she says I ai n't having people that I like being stabbed like that by people like that , she said she ai n't worth the salt of the earth , she 's the salt of the earth she said with people like that pointing to Jenny and Jane , no way , she said and I 'm going with my mates , I turned round and the next thing Janet and Janet and Barbara in there , when we got up the pub at twelve o'clock , course we were all having sandwiches me and Pam got the , me and er Barb got there , then Pam come in then a few more come and erm then the plumber and all that come in with them and I said oh girls we never clocked out , so I said oh well I 'm gon na have to take my key back to Steve , burst out laughing , so I said oh no I said why do n't we have a key cracking competition so of course that 's what we did we all took our keys out of our bag and we went ready for she 's a jolly good ready , steady , fellow , for she 's go and we cracked these ruddy keys and shoved them up in the air
17 and I said and I was hesitating and I said I 'm sorry I said I feel a bit embarrassed he said for what reason and old Rose was with me well at door she said she knows me she said well she said if it will interest you what if I never .
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