Example sentences of "[vb past] [coord] [verb] [adv prt] on " in BNC.

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1 But after a few notes she stopped and turned round on her stool to face me .
2 Jimmy gulped and sat down on a chair beside the bed almost as if he did n't trust his legs to support him .
3 I tested a few planks carefully with the weight of my hand , then retreated and stood up on safer ground .
4 He hesitated , then turned and rummaged around on a shelf against the wall .
5 ‘ Bad joke , ’ said Tod as she turned and looked down on us .
6 Emma had mounted the first step of the stairs and she was unwinding her scarf when she turned and looked down on her mother , saying , ‘ I would have been many things if I had been brought up in peace . ’
7 He 'd briefly inclined his head towards her , a mocking , curiously patrician gesture , then turned and disappeared up on deck .
8 The crested helmet of the warrior gleamed in dawn sun and he turned and rode down on Tallis .
9 Muttering about the appalling decline in standards since she was last in Lisbon , Maria Candida knelt to help Sara off with her shoes , and while she did so , Sara sighed and lay back on the feather bed .
10 Ronni sighed and lay back on the hyacinth-coloured bedspread .
11 I sighed and sat down on the stairs .
12 Ari nodded and sat down on the cushions .
13 The rider nodded and pushed off on the Kawasaki .
14 Nails bit his tongue as Midnight jiggled and swung about on the end of the rein .
15 Wetherall then stumbled and fell over on the appalling pitch in the centre of the 6 yard box ( as he was correctly keeping his eye on the incoming ball ) .
16 Something lumbered and crashed out on the sandbank .
17 A smile curved her mouth , though , as she kicked off her shoes and went and lay down on her bed .
18 I went and sat down on the lounging chair .
19 So I really wanted to nail the bastard — preferably with the cooperation of my team-mates just to prove the point — but the fucking technology let me down and the gun jammed and he had me pinned , firing shot after shot at me , and finally I gave up trying to un-jam the gun and made to throw it at him though I could hardly see because there was yellow paint all over my visor , but he ducked and tripped and sat down on a trunk , holding his stomach , and the bastard was laughing his socks off because I looked like a giant dripping banana , only I 'd just realised the gun was n't jammed after all , the safety catch was on .
20 I decided , ‘ Right this is n't it ’ , so I left and set up on my own .
21 These simple precautions observed , Kirov relaxed and sat down on the edge of his small cot , smiling with relief .
22 A servant girl brought me up water , I washed and lay back on the bed to rest before dinner .
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