Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] when he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He himself admitted so when he emerged , telling his followers that he thought he had killed Comyn , whereupon one of them rushed in ‘ to mak siccar ’ ( make sure ) : the Kirkpatricks of Dumfries have ever since carried the emblem of a bloody hand with dagger and the motto ‘ I mak siccar ’ on their coat of arms .
2 As soon as he entered the first field to be cut his mates up-ended him and gave him the same treatment which stopped only when he shouted ‘ Beer ! ’ .
3 She moved away when he sat near her , went into town to change her library books instead of going home when he invented a string of excuses that would enable him to walk in her direction .
4 FRANKE SLOOTHAAK 'S fortunes changed abruptly when he won the Everest Grand Prix , the closing contest of The Horse of the Year Show at Wembley , for the second year in succession .
5 The row erupted again when he won the Nobel last year , and the citation named the offending work .
6 He looked round sharply then exhaled deeply when he saw the man 's face peering in at him .
7 He played in 20 Test matches and his post-war service to Yorkshire included three years as Club president , a position he vacated sadly when he found his calls for moderation went unheeded at the height of the Boycott controversy .
8 He sighed rather when he opened Dora 's Dolls ' House .
9 And in the houses of fashionable people , men sometimes turned away when he entered a room .
10 Willie gave a tight smile which faded rapidly when he realized that the trousers of his new striped suit were soaking .
11 Her boyfriend , 38-year-old Dennis Davis , who also works at the centre , rushed there when he heard she was alive , hoping to be reunited with her .
12 Conservative MPs cheered when he entered the chamber of the Commons yesterday and cheered again when he borrowed a phrase from Harold Macmillan to dismiss Norman Lamont 's vitriolic attack on his governance as a ‘ little local difficulty . ’
13 With a hard swift kiss , he levered himself upright and Hilary stared unashamedly at his magnificent body , then grinned cheekily when he gave her a wry look .
14 He grinned apologetically when he saw her .
15 Meanwhile , former Tottenham player Gary Lineker 's Japanese adventure got underway when he trained for the first time with his Grampus Eight teammates at Nagoya yesterday .
16 She smiled at him but pulled away when he tried to kiss her .
17 Nigel always worked best when he drew on his own life .
18 He started slightly when he heard McCann say , ‘ Oh , I 'm sorry , sir .
19 Rincewind swallowed hard when he saw them , because they were walking on that broad expanse of ceiling like flies .
20 He swore softly when he saw the fear flash in her eyes .
21 He grinned and blinked shyly when he saw that I was awake .
22 A couple at the next table scowled at him but looked away when he glared back at them .
23 He tried making snowballs as he had in Britain only to find that in these low temperatures he was left with a handful of flour-like snow that simply blew away when he threw it .
24 The victim , who has not yet been named , died instantly when he fell on to the middle lane of an unlit section of the M25 between Merstham and Reigate , Surrey .
25 ‘ What 's the matter , Feargal ? ’ she taunted angrily when he remained silent .
26 For the past weeks Edouard had had to force himself to look at newspapers : all he saw there when he opened them was confirmation and repetition : accident , sickness , violence and sudden death , handed out evenly to the guilty and the innocent .
27 When she was two years old she had seemed to be of a cheerful disposition and laughed obediently when he made a witch out of his knotted handkerchief or cast a swan 's shadow against her bedroom wall with his fingers .
28 Look at the splendid sight , ’ he waved his hand , just as Mr Blackwell the owner appeared , but who almost disappeared again when he saw the vast crowd about to troop up and down his narrow staircase and crowded rooms .
29 She laughed quietly when he said it .
30 Ashley enquired pertly when he put away the remains of the bar and rested back his head .
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