Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [adv] to [det] " in BNC.

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1 In small firms doing sub-contract work for the large car assembly plants , where the level of unionisation was weak , and management hired and fired labour in line with demand as it rose and fell , the form of work organisation approximated more closely to that which Braverman describes .
2 Nor for those others that came so rarely to this place .
3 It was they who were the defenders , not the aggressors , the men pushed by fear of extermination into acts which they knew came dangerously close to that disturbance of the social order which was almost as much to be feared .
4 The Cabinet came very near to such a decision .
5 An image of Barbs rose unbidden in Scarlet 's mind : wide-eyed and frank with the spurious and shallow candour that belonged so particularly to those citizens of the USA who had undergone analysis .
6 The ending of old Harry 's innings is represented by a ball shattering his stumps and an umpire 's finger raised unequivocably upwards to that great pavilion in the sky .
7 In 1991/92 we got substantially closer to that goal .
8 were trailing 18–0 in their first round cup-tie Bradford and went desperately close to another major upset against a North Division One side , but York ended four points short of victory at 18–15 .
9 were trailing 18–0 in their first round cup-tie Bradford and went desperately close to another major upset against a North Division One side , but York ended four points short of victory at 18–15 .
10 This is not surprising — Labour offered far more to those in the cities than did the Conservatives .
11 Apart from the offensive nature of the title , since it related almost entirely to former Cabinet ministers of the Labour Party , the programme had been procured by a series of deceptions .
12 We looked forward immensely to these visits .
13 The tercentenary of the church in Cambridge where we met was to be held in June that year , and we looked forward eagerly to that reunion , and to another reunion in May with friends in the Lake District .
14 Then again there were a lot more women than men involved ( comme toujours ) , and some of the men reacted very negatively to that .
15 The advent of the boiled bait , not too long before the hair-rig , married very well to this new technique , for it later became apparent that the success of the hair-rig owed a lot to the fact that it was generally used with boilies .
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