Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [coord] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For readers there were books and rooms set apart as libraries , and there were people who learnt a great deal and people who read furiously and learnt nothing .
2 There were very few groups that stayed together as a unit all the time ; you just got together and played what were current country hits , current pop hits , with whatever instrumentation you had .
3 He and Crawford got together and organized their own stage act , which included a few of their own songs .
4 As Estella was leading me along the dark passages , she stopped suddenly and put her face close to mine .
5 I moved inside and shut it behind me .
6 He moved suddenly and grabbed her arm , just above the wrist .
7 She drew away and straightened herself .
8 Rather than ramming the trainers with the guns , the dolphins either " swam away or put their snouts on the trainers ' shoulders — very affectionately ! "
9 I moved away and said it was too hot .
10 He moved away and pulled her into his arms , his hands beginning to soothe and caress her gently .
11 Jay melted , knelt upright and kissed her neck .
12 Adam phoned home and asked his mother to stop his father bothering him when he was in the middle of exams .
13 Mark Appleson trained yesterday but following his back spasm last weekend , took no contact and was only able to run in straight lines .
14 He staggered upright and carried his youngest son into oblivion , journeying towards the south , lost in the bleak and frozen wilderness .
15 I stumbled back and sat down heavily on the plinth , then staggered upright and pulled my cords back up .
16 Peter Eckersley stands out as particularly inspiring ; Ken Cranston , who once hit 289 for Liverpool Pilgrims , seems underestimated by posterity ; Harry Pilling captained once and saw his side make 33 and 501 against Northants in 1977 .
17 ‘ Just another couple of feet , ’ cried Gambo as he nimbly moved aside and poised his cleaver ready to chop through the tortured ropes .
18 This time Midnight moved aside and grasping him round the back of the neck as he passed , flung him headlong into the gathering crowd .
19 The horse was made to foil her every move , leaping forward as she moved quickly and turning her away .
20 Whenever Robinson struck for a grip he moved quickly and broke it , never allowing the older man to settle .
21 The tablets she found later and took them to the Social Work Department to be sent to the child .
22 Luce moved restlessly and thumped her pillow , her doubts and uncertainties back in full force ; and all because she 'd met a man who had captured her interest and set her imagination winging .
23 He rose choreographically and refilled his cup for the third time .
24 She came in to me as I knelt there and raised me up , and said we must never quarrel and that she would never , ever , give me cause to doubt her , and I must not suppose she could .
25 Prince Richard approached then and invited her to dance with him , and she smilingly accepted , feeling like one in a dream .
26 So the little tailor turned to , and prepared a splendid pie , from flour and meat and onions he found there and decorated its top with beautifully formed pastry leaves and flowers , for he was a craftsman , even if he could not exercise his own craft .
27 She heard the sharp hiss of his indrawn breath , and then he bent forwards and drew her gently up into his arms .
28 As he spoke he moved closer and lifted her high in his arms , smiling down into her face as if he enjoyed the feel of her slender body lying against his .
29 Suddenly , she bent forward and kissed them one after the other .
30 He stirred a pot of paint , dipped a brush in the paint , bent forward and applied it in slow strokes to the sheet of card in front of him .
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