Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] had [been] given " in BNC.

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1 The eccentric Cantona jetted hastily back to France after being dropped from the side at QPR , although at the time the club claimed he had been given permission .
2 I later interviewed the bemused recordist , and established he had been given two portable stereo tape recorders , which he had laid on the ground pointing in opposite directions .
3 She was always prepared to the utmost and if she felt she had been given good advice , then she took it immediately .
4 When the cameras had long since departed , I was left to carry the can and answer any angry participants who felt they had been given a raw deal .
5 A Free French administration was installed in Beirut and General de Gaulle quickly made it clear that he intended to keep his forces in Lebanon however much independence the country thought it had been given .
6 Small amounts of heroin , which Kedie said he had been given by a friend , were also found .
7 Mr Major said he had been given a report on the particular material that was on show in a Commons committee room .
8 Auriol , winner of the Monte Carlo rally , was disqualified in Sweden after officials said he had been given oil outside a technical help zone .
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