Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] was the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As we have seen the Prague School were also interested in the content of texts as well as their language , but what concerned them was the structure of the content as a self-contained system of signs to be separated out into its different levels , not the overall impression that it conveys .
2 What got me was the way she made this rather bizarre suggestion seem so utterly reasonable .
3 I pretended I was the photographer and she pretended she was the writer .
4 I pretended I was the photographer and she pretended she was the writer .
5 What disturbed her was the feeling , at the back of her mind , that there was something she ought to have understood .
6 She pretended not to see the light in his eyes ; she pretended it was the wind going up her skirt that made her suddenly shiver with apprehension .
7 When she awoke , rubbing at a rather stiff neck , feeling hungry , but better than she expected , she found it was the middle of the morning and sunshine was streaming into every corner of the cottage .
8 When a mis-fire occurred it was the practice to clear out the hole down to the powder , insert the pricker , and again stem the hole .
9 ‘ Her qualifications were adequate but what hooked us was the photo she included .
10 What woke me was the land singing .
11 Then I hear the guy laugh downstairs and what really woke me was the dog .
12 What amazed me was the space — long stretches of beautiful beach with just a handful of people on them even on a Bank Holiday .
13 What amazed me was the way Ray did such a spectacular somersault just to convince little Louis that he really had scored victory .
14 What really amazed me was the way the hawk seemed to know out of which hole the rabbit was going to pop even before its ears appeared .
15 What amazed me was the number of Black workers who turned up .
16 A few minutes later we drew up at a big concrete building which the officer told me was the town jail but which seemed to be a large Luftwaffe barracks .
17 I do n't even know whether anything she told me was the truth .
18 ‘ And you assumed I was the father , no doubt ! ’
19 ‘ Looking at her just then , I truly believed she was the lady Anne ! ’
20 ‘ I killed her in the field because I believed she was the devil . ’
21 You stopped believing in Father Christmas , tooth fairies , paternal omniscience and in the sort of over-the-top crazy heart-thudding happy-ever-after love they told you was the ideal .
22 As Shaffer added : ‘ What distinguished him was the energy he always demonstrated .
23 Perhaps what told him was the attention they paid to the drunk man who weaved his way , shouting and stumbling , down the car .
24 The frustration he caused her was the keynote of every one-sided altercation .
25 For sixteen years after the heavenly wedding , she felt ‘ a flame of fire ’ in her breast , which God told her was the heat of the Holy Ghost .
26 His about-face once in office pleased economists , but robbed him of his mandate : the voters no longer believed he was the man they had elected .
27 It seemed it was the end .
28 When the doorbell rang shortly before ten o'clock , she assumed it was the postman and answered it ill-prepared for the face that greeted her .
29 When the keeper had captured the monkey in the net he led the way to a small building which he informed them was the annexe to the quarantine block .
30 ‘ What really scared me was the thought of forgetting those lines , ’ said Crawford .
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