Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [conj] [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This programme involved a threefold increase in family planning expenditure , with a greater proportion contributed by developed countries which currently provided less than half of the total .
2 I E we charged more than most of the others .
3 Although these families rose further than any since the sixteenth century , many of the Sussex gentry were caught up in the process of aggrandisement .
4 Erm and people had been paying insurance i it changed then cos some of the farmers could go on their pension they 'd been paying this new scheme you see .
5 Because southern prices rose faster than those in the regions in the mid-1980s , for instance , by last year an average house in Yorkshire and Humberside , which in 1983 had been worth 69 per cent of a similar one in London , was worth only 40 per cent of one in the capital .
6 He thought she deserved better than that after all her troubles .
7 For as the Industrial Revolution progressed and changed much of Northern England , the Lake District became more and more of an economic backwater , a comparatively poor district where , for example , people scraped the yellow lichen Ochrolechia tartarea from the rocks and sold it to dyers for a penny a pound .
8 As the months and years passed , Harriet Tremayne became more and more of a recluse , her whole attention concentrated on her granddaughter .
9 The main point here is that not only did the Labour leaders reject the left 's version of the social contract with its new emphasis on a radical industrial policy , but also they increasingly came to question even the Crosland/Fabian/ ‘ Keynesian ’ version of socialism , so that their politics in the latter half of the 1970s became more and more of a mere holding operation — mere ‘ government ’ lacking any social purpose with a broad popular appeal .
10 From the time of the marriage he cut himself off entirely from his brother , but it was n't only from Matthew : he became more and more of a recluse until now he hardly sees anyone but the people he meets in the course of his business — and they 're getting fewer by the month .
11 We revealed yesterday that another of Courtney 's victims is still too terrified to tell police that he attacked her .
12 Thus the Decorator collection , into which she plunged more and more of her energies , was not only a useful device for slicing through hidebound public taste , but gave Laura a focus once more for her creative effervescence .
13 Not much needs to be said about either , except perhaps to record two aspects : in the first film , a critic said Nicholson 's acting consisted more or less of variations on a grin .
14 Anna Capaldi , who headed the Touche Ross study , acknowledged yesterday that some of the figures were being revised but she understood that these would still fall within the ‘ sensitivity testing ’ ranges given in the report .
15 In fact , in her continuing ‘ effort to be objective ’ , O'Keeffe based more and more of her imagery on observable forms in nature , and she represented them as exactly and precisely as she could .
16 I was mostly bored by the degree course I was doing and spent more and more of my time skiving off to extra-mural classes in Women 's Studies , which were just beginning to happen , and devouring feminist books .
17 Apart from the minutes of the two meetings in 1932 and 1948 there is little evidence that the Britons Society survived longer than that of its regular monthly publication from 1920 — 5 .
18 Three and a half pound she lost and she lost more than any of them .
19 We saw less and less of each other and fought like tigers when we did spend time together .
20 She saw less and less of Ben , and missed him in a slightly sad , unfocused kind of way .
21 Getting Ace on his side had helped : the Doctor had an attachment to the woman that went deeper than either of them would admit .
22 Because he went further than most into that unimaginable world of extreme pain and violence .
23 Senator Robert Dole , the Republican leader in the US Senate , went further than most by calling for aid to be diverted to East Europe at the expense of long-standing recipients such as Egypt .
24 Smart went further than any of his predecessors in this attempt to provide , according to his prefatory note , a version ‘ Adapted to the Divine Service ’ .
25 The disk is high , indented interradially whereas that of O. hamula is neither indented nor as high especially in the region of the radial shields .
26 John Delaney knew now that all along it had been hunting them , that it was still hunting them , waiting for the right moment to pick them off at will , one at a time .
27 Hungary 's economic dependence on grain exports , mainly wheat , meant that she was badly affected by the economic crises of the early 1930s , when the average price of agricultural produce fell sharply while that for industrial goods rose .
28 Lewis knew well that most of the dons would vote for David Cecil or E. K. Chambers .
29 Mr Hitchin noted that Phoenix branches in shopping centres ‘ performed better than those on the high street ’ .
30 Although Tiller still produced the Winter Gardens show every year , he delegated more and more of the work there to his assistant directors as he was so busy abroad .
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