Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [conj] [vb past] me " in BNC.

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1 She came in to me as I knelt there and raised me up , and said we must never quarrel and that she would never , ever , give me cause to doubt her , and I must not suppose she could .
2 I was pleased as punch when yer farvver came 'ome an' told me Joe Maitland 'ad offered 'im that job .
3 He nodded politely and showed me the palm of a gloved hand .
4 Then a little girl stepped forward and presented me with chocolates .
5 What she 'd had was a double-booking , effectively , cos she 'd had this dinner which was meant to be in the private dining hall , but the numbers had suddenly shot up , and because they 'd said originally they wanted either the private dining hall or the main dining hall depending on numbers , she should have really booked them both and decided later and told me to like try somewhere else , but she did n't , she told me yeah the dining hall 's free .
6 The captain agreed immediately and thanked me very warmly for my help .
7 The conversion went well and took me just over a week to complete .
8 She spoke sharply and pushed me outside where it was snowing hard .
9 Then she half rose from the desk , leaned across and gave me a dead fish handshake , and with a glazed stare directed somewhere over my left shoulder , she rattled out , all in one breath and with no punctuation , ‘ Thankyouverymuchforallyouhavedonegoodbye . ’
10 Waaagh ! ’ — Jack leaned forward and passed me his handkerchief .
11 Dad leaned forward and tapped me on the knee .
12 Felix ran forward and pulled me away from his father .
13 She must have sensed that one day I would be leaving her again , and that nearly broke my heart , knowing the sadness she must feel all too well in my experiences with lovers who never stayed long but left me feeling as if part of me had been torn from my body .
14 A dozen of them sat there and terrified me , although several were later to become my friends .
15 After a time he awoke again and asked me what I wanted .
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