Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [was/were] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I reached eight tries I realised I was in with a chance of records and the lads helped me as best they could . ’
2 But I always knew you were fiercely independent and I knew how you 'd react to my eternal presence if you realised I was there as a self-appointed bodyguard . ’
3 Coming in from a film background myself , and being film-minded , I found I was soon in demand to help out with film sequences — ultimately being asked to direct these sequences for Directors who did n't have much experience with the medium . ’
4 But when I got there I found I was in with kids who 'd been nicked for stealing or who 'd been on drugs or alcohol or glue , and girls who had been on the streets at 13 .
5 His working methods were very different from those of Graham Rowell and she found she was constantly on her toes to try and keep one step ahead of him in anticipating what he would want next .
6 Soon she came by the local gymnasium , and then the local Cedok tourist office , and from there she turned into a part which she was growing more familiar with , and in no time found she was back in the colonnade area .
7 When the band stopped they were both on a tide of pleasure ; yet , she stepped away from him as though evading her share in the pleasure .
8 Mitchum had arrived on the set for an early call and found they were nowhere near ready for him .
9 Matt was lying on the couch and then went and then I went over and sat on the couch and then Matt tried sa Matt erm pretended he was up to him and started
10 The American star , at No. 37 with Neighbour , pretended he was still at college even though he had left to lead the life of a beach bum .
11 I knew what I was doing ; I was thoroughly prepared ; but that did n't mean that when the day came I was n't in a state of nervous collapse .
12 Bet you never even noticed I was there for the first three years . "
13 There would be a few instances where a client may come back a year later and say erm , or not nearly six months later , that thing I told you was not in fact now going to be on .
14 It seemed she was not to be rid of Svend 's dictatorial uncle so easily .
15 It seemed she was up at the Jubilee Tower practising the tango with Nigel and they would be down shortly with the papers .
16 Despite what Dane had said about facing up to the ghosts in her past and laying them to rest , it seemed she was still to be haunted by them .
17 Samantha woke and for a split second imagined she was still at home , still free to stretch and rise and walk and wash , still at liberty to heed her instincts and indulge her whims .
18 He 'd thought her a little too old for his own purposes , but always assumed she was there for the taking .
19 The omens were bad , and when the Hammersmith show eventually got going it seemed we were in for an all-time rock ‘ n ’ roll disaster .
20 His demise was predicted by party colleagues who believed he was frequently in the news for all the wrong reasons .
21 Corbett suddenly grasped that the Bishop , like others , really believed he was here for other reasons and hoped to trap him into an admission .
22 The phone rang just as Gedge believed he was about to be belted and the situation was thus defused .
23 At last he recalled it was not in the Nightingale Gallery but in the one running to the left .
24 But he were n't like that when they came he were n't like erm Wayne , Celia 's Wayne , I mean he 's been like it forever
25 I assumed he was off to his parents ' pavillon to make a telephone call .
26 Then I imagined it was all through my body and that I was going to die .
27 She realized she was down from the morph-plus , and that her senses were sharper than they had ever been before .
28 A LOVESICK teenager who landed in court after stealing a dinghy to make a cross-Channel voyage to see his French sweetheart yesterday admitted she was not worth it .
29 Dexter guessed she was deeply in love : not with her husband , with whom she was trapped in an unsuitable and corroded marriage ; nor even it seemed , although no one knew the secrets of the dead woman 's heart , with her older lover ; but she was certainly in love with herself , Dexter believed , and with her image on the screen .
30 While they had not asked for permission to enter his lands and claimed they were not in a position to pay for the disturbance , they promised he would be well looked after if the find was as good as appeared .
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