Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The thought that they might already be pursued made them hasten their pace .
2 I 'm wondering what made them change their mind over the er knock through into the garage .
3 Survivors quietly described how families were destroyed , women abused , men castrated ; how the Gestapo made them play their gypsy violins even while they performed their atrocities .
4 Wesley imparted the information defensively , looking at me under lowered brows as though he expected me to clip his ear at any moment .
5 ‘ You expected me to drop my life and my career for you because that 's what a Majorcan girl would have done . ’
6 ‘ Some needed reminding that we expected them to honour their word . ’
7 Thus , after Chlodomer 's death at Vézeronce , his sons were brought up by their grandmother , Chlothild , who clearly expected them to inherit their father 's kingdom .
8 Though Booth and Rowntree were wealthy industrialists , it was principally considerations of cost which led them to limit their study to the particular areas they did .
9 It seems from the work of earlier historians that at some time around 1200 the influence of the great magnates underwent a challenge : in part this was because the king was intruding more and more into what had been the magnates ' private preserve , the distribution of justice to their feudal tenants ; in part also because rising inflation damaged their incomes ; and because the individual ambitions of certain of the men who had been the tenants of their knights ' fees led them to seek their advancement outside their natural lords ' followings .
10 ‘ They commissioned me to write my autobiography — oh , it must be eighteen months ago .
11 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council asked me to draw your attention to the white lines on Gubberford Lane at the river bridge .
12 At their recent meeting Nether Wyresdale Parish Council asked me to draw your attention to the untidy and overgrown state of the railway embankment on Station Lane , Scorton .
13 ‘ It was great when he asked me to join his band .
14 But when I returned from military service in 1960 , my employers asked me to represent them south of the border , in that troutless land beyond Mr Hadrian 's Wall known as England .
15 Margaret Jones : ‘ I remember David asked me to get my dressmaker to taper his trousers and before long other members of his form were also getting me to taper their trousers , so I suppose in a way I was almost helping them to rebel against Mr Frampton . ’
16 And then , realising that his presence needed further explanation , he added , ‘ Jim asked me to keep him company until his sister gets here tomorrow . ’
17 ‘ Beatrix asked me to keep her secret .
18 They wanted their own announcer , a local girl , not one from London , and as I 'd been presenting it on radio since I was 13 , they asked me to try my hand on television .
19 Mum asked me to ice his birthday cake while they were out and decorate it with chocolate leaves which I had to make first .
20 She always led me to believe my father was a solid company man — rose through the ranks to become managing director , or so I understood . ’
21 While your issue on Population ( NI 176 ) led me to adjust my thinking , I remain convinced that overpopulation is the Third World 's worst problem .
22 With Betty against a wall and I pressing her lips with mine , she requested me to put my tongue into her mouth ‘ the French way ’ she said .
23 Because how does Philip know that in five years ' time , I 'm not going to ring him up and say , hey you know when you recommended me to invest my money in the Japanese fund , well it 's just gone through the bottom of the market .
24 You just made me kick my ankle and it really hurt .
25 ‘ You made me miss me stop , you fucker , ’ said the Punk .
26 ‘ Honest , I 'd never seen 'im before , I just bumped into 'im in the fog and it made me sprain me ankle .
27 I mimicked his slow accent , and the mimicry made him turn and stare at me , and the look on his face instantly made me regret my mimicry .
28 The first few hundred hours of thought made me regret my bet ; but the second couple of thousand convinced me that I 'd played it right .
29 I had another coffee ; I was confused , irritable and dizzy as I stood by the buffet and watched the station cleaners , suddenly desperate to be on my way before tiredness made me change my mind .
30 Never made me feel my place .
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