Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun pl] between [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Scathach slung canvases between trees that surged and shuddered .
2 Yet even peasants , bounded through their lives mostly by their immediate vicinity , could sometimes travel further afield , whether pursuing a legal claim , like the Mitry group , or about their lords ' business , like the men of St-Germain-des- Prés who owned transport-services between Anjou and the Paris neighbourhood .
3 Yet the Catholic Church violated it and deformed it and made relationships between men and women more difficult in that people became adversaries and exploiters rather than partners .
4 Calling the UK 's attitude to Tibet " not satisfactory " , the Dalai Lama drew parallels between Tibet and Kuwait and the Baltic states .
5 Forty cases involved offences between males and fifty-eight cases of males assaulting females .
6 In particular , Castro 's abandonment of the guerrilla strategy , and his favourable attitude to governments such as the reformist military regime in Peru , caused splits between Castroism and Guevarism .
7 As long as Corinth led the Peloponnesians , Athens had the best of it , though she was sufficiently alarmed to build the Long Walls , which secured communications between Athens and her harbour city of Piraeus : in future , Spartan invasions would not cut Athens off from the sea ( Thuc. i. 107 ) .
8 Only 5 per cent of all women received payments between £3,251 and £4,750 ( maximum payment for 1986 ) while the respective figure for men was 25 per cent .
9 I was quite pleased when I got appointments between Christmas and New Year .
10 There followed talks between Kim and Lee Ki Taek , the leader of the eight-member Democratic Party ( which was already engaged in merger negotiations with the PPD — see p. 37375 for its emergence following formation of DLP ) concerning a co-ordinated mass resignation .
11 Blacks ( perish the thought ) now inhabit his old house and pitched battles between gangs and police make the streets untenable .
12 Sheer size made relations between employers and workers impersonal , facilitated the circulation of radical ideas , and generated a sense of solidarity among workers .
13 Contacts between the two governments continued apace and included meetings between Kohl and Lothar de Maizière , the East German Prime Minister , on May 14 , 18 , 28 and a joint visit by both leaders to the European Parliament in Strasbourg on May 17 .
14 It also presents an analysis of these relationships based on an undergraduate sample and examined variations between institutions and courses and of the educational milieux specific to particular institutions and courses .
15 However , the cultural negotiations involved were problematic since they generated tensions between individualism and the investment of cultural authority in the state .
16 Where Darwin saw resemblances between embryos as evidence of common descent , Haeckel assumed that ‘ lower ’ forms can be equated with earlier stages in the individual development of more advanced species .
17 Further meetings followed , as did meetings between Bouterse and the Tucayana and two dissident Jungle Commando leaders .
18 The amendment , which had to pass two more legislative votes to take effect , sought to revoke a 1986 law which banned meetings between Israelis and members of " terror organizations " .
19 So , frequently , did relations between management and labour .
20 He said relationships between inspectors and schools have broken down several times .
21 The point of this betrothal was that the castles of the Vexin controlled communications between Paris and Rouen .
22 The Bankruptcy Act ended distinctions between trading and non-trading debtors .
23 Subsequent allegations by the Italian Communist Party ( PCI ) suggested links between Gladio and a wave of extreme right-wing attacks which killed 143 people between 1969 and 1984 , including the Bologna railway station bombing in 1980 [ see p. 30522 ] .
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