Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun pl] for [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In the early days of aviation he made designs for aeroplanes and , later in life , he took up golf and planned houses for himself and his friends in Berkshire .
2 Together with the prosperous shopkeepers and merchants , rather than seeking to challenge the aristocracy , they found opportunities for investment and perhaps superior status in the farming of feudal dues .
3 For some architects , the removal of regulations which both provided guidelines for behaviour and also limited the areas in which competition existed has provided a stimulus since they now feel able to compete more efficiently in a less restricted arena .
4 We campaigned , picketed , called public meetings , organized actions , held conferences , disrupted government meetings , created opportunities for educationals and talks , embarrassed government ministers and challenged the church .
5 Her empire had become unwieldy and , if its defences could be forced , it provided opportunities for trading and for snatching a few of the less well-defended colonies .
6 And they got shoes for squash and shoes for
7 They made boilers for ships and locomotives , railway lines , and all manner of springs , wires and tools .
8 Besides the destruction of their habitat caused by dam building , silt and pollutant discharges into rivers , and the effects of boat traffic , the dolphins have also had to contend with accidental capture in fisheries , directed hunts for food and other uses , and even capture for display in overseas aquaria .
9 When they were well out of the way we made tracks for home and I looked forward to a quiet evening .
10 We got chops for lunch and scrambled eggs for supper .
11 He opened Tales for Innocents and read :
12 Scarlet , when aware that she was consciously asking her friend for advice and support , felt guilty , for she had come to believe that advice and support were commodities for which you paid professionals , rather as you paid prostitutes for love and bought your vegetables instead of growing them yourself .
13 Cooks organized tours for servicemen and women on leave included a guided tour of the casbah in Algiers which was accompanied by an armed American guard .
14 Later they dug ditches for drainage but did not raise the natural platforms artificially .
15 Suzy poured shots for Seth and herself .
16 His staff organized boxes for concerts or the opera and even remembered to send flowers to his escorts .
17 And here was a liberator who opened doors for ladies and never attempted to force his attentions on me .
18 term once used for a person who collected alms for lepers and other beggars ; the term came to have a bad meaning because of the abuse of the system .
19 We went together to the yard of an old man who bred worms for fishermen and bought a jarful for M. Bluot .
20 The insult was so unjust and so gross that we instituted proceedings for libel and extracted — not without difficulty — a full apology and retraction .
21 The introduction of the social fund raised issues for bureaux that the IPG was asked to clarify in the information items , thus demonstrating the breadth of understanding that the information writers are expected to have of problems in the field .
22 Hoffmann J. declared that in each case the beneficial interest in the property was owned by the bankrupt and his wife in equal shares and he made orders for possession and sale but , after considering the circumstances of the two wives and their children and , in particular , that the half shares to which they would be entitled would be insufficient for them to acquire other accommodation in the area and the educational problems of the children , imposed a provision for postponement until the youngest child in each case attained the age of sixteen .
23 The agreement , which came after five hours of talks , established ceilings for NATO and the Warsaw Pact countries which restricted each side to 20,000 tanks , 20,000 artillery pieces and 30,000 fighting vehicles .
24 The non-subsistence sector of the economy needed cattle for transportation and food .
25 Throughout 1912 he test flew aeroplanes for Ducrocq and also instructed novice pilots at the Ducrocq-Lawford Flying School .
26 They said Lucy could walk but she needed trees for protection and food .
27 Back home … back to the winter game … the weekend brought wins for Swindon and Hereford but another defeat for Oxford United … seven goals were scored … here 's the action
28 With a wooden arch or pergola , predrilled holes for nails and bolts will make assembly easier .
29 ‘ Red light ’ girls offered massages for £25 and full sex for £60 at the Eclipse Health Club just yards from the cops ' Blue Lamp bar , Cardiff Crown Court heard yesterday .
30 What had come to the poets in their most serene or passionate moments we glided into as easily as we gathered flowers for Maud or Blanche or Mabel , as we lay in the grass with our eyes divided between the books , the land and the clouds .
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