Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 Farmworkers led animals to safety as firemen tackled the blaze in a garage and storeroom at East House Farm , Kelloe , near Durham at about 4am .
2 R. L. Stevenson encountered immigrants from China as well as from Europe and reflected upon the irony of immigrants from hungry Europe and hungry China meeting face to face in the American West .
3 One report described observers in Baghdad as surprised that what was expected to be Iran 's final offensive , taking in the Shatt island of Bovarian , began as a frontal assault against earthworks and water barriers east of Basrah where Iraq 's defences were at their most formidable .
4 ‘ We went right through the town centre and all the people doing their Saturday shopping stood and clapped and shouted messages of support as we went by . ’
5 During the sixth round of talks in August and September the Israel-Syria strand of the negotiations appeared to have supplanted the Palestinian question as the principal issue [ see p. 39119 ] , and in an interview with Le Monde on Oct. 20 Rabin described negotiations with Syria as " promising " .
6 The girls suffered agonies of exposure as they waited for them to reach their seats .
7 Although existing Sparc applications can take advantage of the superscalar and superpipelined features of HyperSparc as they stand , Cypress says that with re-compilation , software can garner a further 10–15% boost in performance .
8 It 's been a popular strategy ever since The Rolling Stones played the small marquee at the 1963 National Jazz Festival in Richmond — the event that subsequently mutated into Reading — and provoked scenes of hysteria as hundreds of excited youths abandoned the main arena and jostled to catch a whiff of this liberating new air , leaving a bewildered Acker Bilk tootling his way into the footnotes of history .
9 Husayn had now removed the central plank of Labour 's electoral manifesto to the delight of Likud , which rejected negotiations with Jordan as irrelevant to the kind of autonomy it envisaged for Palestinians living in Eretz Israel .
10 Donald , Pringle , Snell and McMillan all looked healthily hostile as they blew away the cream of Australian batting for under 200 , and Hudson showed touches of class as South Africa won by nine wickets .
11 In the public sphere he served terms of office as president of the British Psycho-Analytical Society ( twice ) , chairman of the Medical Section of the British Psychological Society , president of the Paediatric Section of the Royal Society of Medicine , and president of the Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry .
12 As a result he developed links with Hastings as well as Gloucester , but it was the latter which dictated his actions in 1483 .
13 As a result he developed links with Hastings as well as Gloucester , but it was the latter which dictated his actions in 1483 .
14 Drudy ( 1978 ) saw changes in agriculture as contributing significantly to population loss even in relatively prosperous rural areas such as north Norfolk .
15 Neighbours formed queues on occasions as they came to complain of mindless acts of vandalism .
16 Durkheim saw relations within localities as having a function in these processes , albeit a mainly facilitating one .
17 Where Darwin saw resemblances between embryos as evidence of common descent , Haeckel assumed that ‘ lower ’ forms can be equated with earlier stages in the individual development of more advanced species .
18 The morning was bitterly cold and their breath formed clouds of steam as they stared and muttered .
19 Relatives wept tears of joy as Watson , 27 , arrived at his Essex home .
20 Reports from the constituencies in May showed 259 local parties against the Bill and only thirty-two in favour ; eighty-three suggested no change in wartime ; twice as many local parties supported votes for women as opposed the idea , by ninety-eight to forty-four , and there was little or no support for proportional representation .
21 Moments later the furious barks and snarls became howls of pain as Buddie 's wellington boot connected with the dog 's jaw .
22 Even a family with lands in various shires , such as the Stonors themselves , who had estates in Devon as well as their principal family holding in Oxfordshire , was closely linked by marriage to other families in its own near neighbourhood .
23 Held , allowing the appeal , ( 1 ) that the Ontario court was seized of the matter and had jurisdiction to determine the place of the child 's residence ; that , accordingly , the court had rights of custody as defined by article 5 of the Convention ; and that , therefore , the wife 's removal of the child from his habitual place of residence , being in breach of the court 's rights of custody , was wrongful within the meaning of article 3 of the Convention ( post , pp. 870D–E , 874F–G , 875A ) .
24 I 've seen him since with some really nice women and he had girls at school as well .
25 The struggle between these groups reflected events outside Palestine as well as within .
26 Weiner ( 1974 ) , for example , added or subtracted counters from rows as two- and three-year-olds watched , and then had the children choose the row with more or with less .
27 His blue eyes held shards of ice as he glared down at her , his features darkening in annoyance .
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