Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 It is a familiar case of one of the basic contradictions of modern capitalism , in which increasingly socialized forms of production are defined and limited by privately appropriated forms of ownership and control .
2 When no trace of hair remained visible , he applied strips of newspaper and a warmed towel to complete the process .
3 Banks like Childs and Hoares received the rents from the estates , made investments in stocks and collected dividends for their landed clients .
4 A joint quality team meets regularly and last year ICI produced improvements in product and delivery performance , resulting in the higher level Q1 Silver award .
5 Yet even peasants , bounded through their lives mostly by their immediate vicinity , could sometimes travel further afield , whether pursuing a legal claim , like the Mitry group , or about their lords ' business , like the men of St-Germain-des- Prés who owned transport-services between Anjou and the Paris neighbourhood .
6 Mr first laid plans of mice and men is one page missing as it is only twenty five metres away and I shall have it shortly .
7 I got loads of toiletries and things this year !
8 He timed the swinging of chandeliers in the cathedral and at once abstracted the essence of the problem , so that he made pendulums of string and small weights and established the relationship between length and time of swing , using his own pulse for measurement , for there existed no device for fine accurate timing .
9 In the early days of aviation he made designs for aeroplanes and , later in life , he took up golf and planned houses for himself and his friends in Berkshire .
10 In 1887 the Great Eastern Railway produced lists of seaside and country lodgings for tourists using their services .
11 Yet the Catholic Church violated it and deformed it and made relationships between men and women more difficult in that people became adversaries and exploiters rather than partners .
12 Guest speakers then led sessions of workshops and discussion groups .
13 These ideas were circulated in her theosophical society , The League of Isis , which listed rules on chastity and continence , aimed at promoting women 's higher self .
14 In some of its farthest reaches it has often to be contrasted with routinized or habituated forms of perception and recognition , which can then be falsely specialized as the ‘ merely social ’ .
15 Calling the UK 's attitude to Tibet " not satisfactory " , the Dalai Lama drew parallels between Tibet and Kuwait and the Baltic states .
16 The project analysed relationships of accountability and representation within two forms of economic association ( employers ' and trade unions ) as the outcome of participation in Area Manpower Boards , which advise on the planning and delivery of MSC employment and training services .
17 Together with the prosperous shopkeepers and merchants , rather than seeking to challenge the aristocracy , they found opportunities for investment and perhaps superior status in the farming of feudal dues .
18 The prosecution also say police found fragments of glass and residue of petrol in clothing belonging to Richard Duriez and Annette Tibbles .
19 WALSINGHAM became a shrine to Our Lady at a difficult time when the Turks overran the Holy Land and stopped pilgrimages to Jerusalem and Nazareth for which the English were already renowned .
20 It is uncertain exactly what contributions Brother Oudart made to the development of the Champagne method but we know that he also used corks from Spain and it has been suggested that he was the first to use a liqueur de tirage .
21 For some architects , the removal of regulations which both provided guidelines for behaviour and also limited the areas in which competition existed has provided a stimulus since they now feel able to compete more efficiently in a less restricted arena .
22 We campaigned , picketed , called public meetings , organized actions , held conferences , disrupted government meetings , created opportunities for educationals and talks , embarrassed government ministers and challenged the church .
23 He certainly used methods of etching and aquatinting that Sandby introduced from the continent .
24 Her empire had become unwieldy and , if its defences could be forced , it provided opportunities for trading and for snatching a few of the less well-defended colonies .
25 They used pens with nibs and it was a trouble not to blot the page .
26 One box in Lincolnshire had the manifestations of a poltergeist or mischievous ghost apparent in the building but it was of a gentle nature and although it moved cups of tea and generally showed its mischievous attributes , it never hurt anybody and was not vicious or dangerous .
27 Morgan had a broad range of knowledge which included literature , history , law , mathematics , agriculture and science ; he contributed articles to newspapers and magazines and throughout his life wrote light verse .
28 A graduate in sociology and education at Florence University , she has for many years contributed articles to Protestant and ecumenical newspapers and currently writes a monthly survey on television for the journal Confronti .
29 Forty cases involved offences between males and fifty-eight cases of males assaulting females .
30 The embargo halted Iraqi oil exports ( the source of almost all Iraqi revenue ) and stopped imports of food and raw materials .
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