Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 Approached by American conspirators , such as Aaron Burr , who sought British aid in their plots of disunion , Merry listened to the plotters but never abetted them .
2 The ‘ flak helpers ’ had been little more than children at the time of Hitler 's great ‘ triumphs ’ , and in the hail of bombs , the destruction , and the retreating armies , the remaining image of the Führer as the military genius bore scant relation to their daily experience of reality .
3 DESPITE the continuing property slump , auction houses reported booming business at their March sales .
4 Orange and black meant Strathclyde , green and cream West Yorkshire , and yellow and white Tyne & Wear , as passenger transport executives provided public proof of their interest ( and subsidy ) of metropolitan rail services by applying their own liveries .
5 His overall leadership was acknowledged , but the younger group retained actual control over their organisation and this dichotomy persisted throughout all the years that followed .
6 Similarly , participants who reported negative support from their closest friend or relative or financial difficulties had higher rates of sickness absence .
7 Moreover from an early stage the Greeks used sculptural decoration on their temples in a way which had no close parallel in earlier arts and , as it developed , encouraged a new approach to relief .
8 Many were run along efficient lines and provided substantial income for their Order .
9 In 1991 the children were removed and placed elsewhere , where they maintained regular contact with their mother .
10 Her clients ( mainly wealthy women seeking rejuvenation ) reported dramatic improvement in their skin condition as a result of her treatments .
11 ( 1984 ) in a study of elderly in South Wales , reported decreased mortality among their screened group of elderly .
12 Yet Tate , herself a Jamaican , found that her second-generation informants used Jamaican Creole as their in-group language , and sounded so authentic that they could pass for Jamaicans in Jamaica , in her judgement ( personal communication ) .
13 The other linguists all retained lasting interest in their subject without building careers on it : Lorna Bottomley joined the temporary Civil Service ( Ministry of Education ) after the war , enjoyed educational administration and in 1947 moved to become Assistant Secretary at the Westminster Medical School where she remained contentedly until retirement in 1982 .
14 And in Sweden , although in the 1930s unions and managements found common ground in their efforts to increase efficiency under capitalism and avoid state intervention in their relationship , since the 1970s the unions have been promoting new socio-political goals .
15 In fact , the Germans experienced limited success with their Fifth Column in Holland .
16 Oldham received scant reward for their exploits , being sent to the winners of the Swindon v Southampton tie next week .
17 The explosion sparked a fire which caused serious damage to their flat above a shop in Pensby , Wirral .
18 The lesson was not wasted on Renaissance princes , who adopted individual portraiture on their own coins , in the hope that these would survive as lasting memorials to their achievements in the same way as Roman coins had ; this adoption of portraiture thereby laid one of the foundations of modern coin design .
19 Hypertensives in the experimental group received intensive advice about their blood pressure , including guidance on weight control and salt restriction , and if that did n't work they were given anti-hypertensive drugs .
20 forbade unlawful sex in their hotel ?
21 The most important of these is that there seems to be no evidence that people assumed automatic responsibility for their relatives — including parents — who were old , sick , or in some other circumstance where they were unable to work to maintain themselves .
22 Scientific work into the effects of vitamin E deficiency revealed that , in extreme cases , male animals deprived of the vitamin for a long period suffered irreparable damage to their testes .
23 Feminists have , until recently , paid scant attention to their older sisters but this is now being remedied .
24 At first , Merrill paid scant attention to their conversation , but her interest was caught when he and Luke began speaking of environmental issues , rain forests , renewable sources of timber , and the possibility of turning over a greater part of their production to make more use of softwood .
25 The Conservatives faced strong opposition within their own ranks to any major changes in boundaries : they could only contain this opposition by their readiness to accept detailed amendments throughout the process .
26 However , when interviewed at a 4-month follow-up , more of the experimental group showed overall improvement in their social problems ( 70 per cent ) than the control group ( 53 per cent ) .
27 The public grew to hate the licensors , and Parliament eventually uncovered widespread corruption in their operation — fraud , extortion and intimidation had made the whole system a scandal .
28 Tarred timbers covered in grit — unlike the gates at Southampton — protected the caisson 's sides , and the men took some cover behind these timbers ' projections when the Penhouet ships opened accurate fire with their 20mm guns .
29 To her surprise both Rohan and Jacques poured red wine into their bowls as they drank , and Marie-Christine explained this was known as chabrot .
30 Picking up her washing and her boots , she clambered barefoot back to their camp .
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