Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [be] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 He pretended to be engrossed in making notes until the actors had left the room .
2 She pretended to be engrossed in exploring the room , and managed to keep a foot or so away from him as he followed , making her uncomfortably aware of the wall of his body close behind her while she ran her hands over the antique furniture with an assumed interest .
3 Section 68(1) of the Trade Marks Act 1938 ( the interpretation section ) defines a trade mark as : a mark … used or proposed to be used in relation to goods for the purpose of indicating , or so as to indicate , a connection in the course of trade between the goods and some person having the right either as proprietor or registered user to use the mark , whether with or without any indication of the identity of that person .
4 As I understand the position , the condition proposed to be included in the order after [ In re O. ] would only apply to ‘ disclosure made in compliance with ’ the order sought and therefore not prevent the Crown Prosecution Service/Hampshire Constabulary utilising the material held and/or other material obtained independently of the present proceedings in the High Court .
5 As I understand the position , the condition proposed to be included in the order after [ In re O. ] would only apply to ‘ disclosure made in compliance with ’ the order sought and therefore not prevent the Crown Prosecution Service/Hampshire Constabulary utilising the material held and/or other material obtained independently of the present proceedings in the High Court .
6 ‘ As I understand the position , the condition proposed to be included in the order after [ In re O. ] would only apply to ‘ disclosure ’ made in compliance with the order sought and therefore not prevent the Crown Prosecution Service/Hampshire Constabulary utilising the material held and/or other material obtained independently of the present proceedings in the High Court . ’
7 I 'm not saying that they are uneconomical , but there may be the odd one or two cases , like the of Berwick St James is a fine example , when it became uneconomical to maintain that school for the number of pupils which were attending , or proposed to be taken in the near future , and it was a sensible option for those children , and economically to close that school .
8 Mutant recombinants were constructed by site directed mutagenesis of the G-residues found to be methylated in the DMS-interference analysis .
9 Bold Gs show the guanines found to be methylated in the methylation interference analysis .
10 They act as a bond between people through providing amusement or an experience shared and believed to be held in common .
11 It is one of the wonders of the Christmas story that Jesus — the authoritative Word of God — stooped to be born in the humblest of settings ; it is one of the wonders of the Christian faith that after His resurrection , Jesus should remind His disciples that He retained all authority in heaven and earth .
12 Not all the birds agree that the cassowary deserved to be treated in this way .
13 After all the incivilities he 'd been hurling at her , he deserved to be put in his place a little !
14 Porter might wish to question how such groups with non-related SBUs came to be formed in the first place .
15 The Berlin Wall came to be seen in the West as a symbol of the oppression of Communism , the most visible example of the ‘ Iron Curtain' .
16 Whereas the Shah came to be seen in Iran as doorman to the Great Satan , pushing Western goods and notions , Hassan had cleverly portrayed himself as resisting both Moroccos former colonizers the French , and , more recently , the American intrusion .
17 It may be that Chilperic 's death came to be seen in a new light after the Burgundian wars of the 520s and 530s .
18 To be useful , therefore , the letter needed dissecting and the different points putting under separate and appropriate headings ( as came to be done in this particular instance ) .
19 The medieval Chancellor ( who was usually an ecclesiastic ) performed an analogous function in relation to the rigidity of the common law at the time ; he had the power to issue the royal writs , and this function came to be exercised in a discretionary manner , based on notions of conscience and justice .
20 Or how the greatest treasure of all , St Vladimir 's Holy Cross , came to be hidden in a humble farmhouse in the Ukraine .
21 Possibly for that reason , and certainly for others , minimum recommendations came to be made in only a small proportion of cases .
22 Firstly , how did this extraordinary mistake came to be made in the first instance by the Department of Transport .
23 It is no new thing for pushing tradesmen occasionally to send unsolicited goods to persons in the hope of making a sale , but this practice developed to the extent that it came to be regarded in some quarters as a serious social problem .
24 He had Catholic sympathies , however , and came to be regarded in the north as a patron of recusants .
25 So deep-rooted were his various obsessions and so pronounced his self-importance that he came to be regarded in some quarters as not merely an individualist but something of a crank .
26 Most of the economically active population came to be employed in primary industries and manufacturing .
27 All currencies came to be expressed in terms of the dollar , and the dollar was officially convertible into gold at a fixed price .
28 During the postwar period the idea of democracy also came to be expressed in new terms — differing profoundly from the restrictive meaning which Schumpeter , Weber and others had imparted to it through its association with the idea of citizenship .
29 The French , therefore , set about building galleys , their principal repair yard being the Clos des Galées at Rouen , which came to be developed in the course of the fourteenth century , and which saw its heyday during the successful wars waged by Charles V in the 1370s .
30 His interpretation of its aims as " working for the transformation of the Labour Party into the Party of the working class revolution' came to be accepted in a modified form by most members of the League .
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