Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] their [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Everybody made for their beds early .
2 Although France and Great Britain were technically at peace , constant clashes occurred between their forces both on sea and on land .
3 But just a couple of days after they moved into their dream home in Quedgeley , it was stolen and torched .
4 Their path westwards can still be traced by the chain of distinctive buildings they erected on their way across .
5 And as England found to their cost only last month , it is an ideal which still thrives on the Continent , Norway 's equaliser coming as it did from a 30-yard out-of-the-blue effort .
6 Around 25 per cent of those gathered will be distracted anyway ; they may be upset by their home situation ; concerned by some event which occurred on their way in ; confused by the absence of someone they were expecting to see .
7 ‘ Arsenal played for their lives out there , ’ said Fergie .
8 Their self-image was that of the chosen few for whom the spectacle provided an inexhaustible supply of objects ( and people ) to hate , and whilst the apparent ease with which they targeted and disposed of their opposition often made good copy ( the endless adventure , the scandal , etc. ) , there is a sense in which the hectoring tone of their documents became repetitive and wearisome .
9 Multinational chemical companies complained that many chemicals imported into Hong Kong were exported again ; manufacturers protested that they would be penalised , even if they disposed of their chemicals responsibly .
10 Whereas Catherine the Great had confined them to the western and southern borderlands of the empire and Alexander I had encouraged them to consider economic diversification and cultural assimilation , Nicholas intervened in their lives more dramatically .
11 We see this at the birth of the church where ‘ all the believers were together ’ , ‘ all the believers were one in heart and mind … . ’ , ‘ they shared everything they had … . ’ , ‘ there were no needy persons among them … . ’ , ‘ and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved ’ ( Acts 2:42–47 ; 4:32–35 ) .
12 The Cherry and Whites came to their senses then , and Martin Roberts kick started them with a penalty .
13 She still saw Rosemary , and had coffee with her on many occasions , and Travis came to their flat occasionally too — Leith knew on the offchance of seeing Rosemary .
14 He 'd watch them quietly ; and he often told me how he had a good idea where they 'd been taking their honey : if they came to their hives low , they 'd most likely have come off a field of clover .
15 Tranmere were restricted to the occasional breakaway which usually ended with an offside decision and Nixon came to their rescue again when he swooped to his right to hold Wright 's shot .
16 Less than a third agreed they came by their fees easily , while half felt they made a positive effort to support and understand clients and 59 per cent that they respond very positively to requests for help and advice ( although these two groups of responses should be seen in the light of that ‘ distress purchase ’ attitude , where lawyers are unlikely to be negative when a client suddenly calls up offering business ) .
17 As you know , they dug in their heels here longer than practically anywhere else , but in the end they caved in .
18 Knowing the likely unpopularity of his mission , he concealed its purpose from the island 's inhabitants , and withdrew from their banquet early , with the excuse that he had been tired by the journey ; later , when they had gone exhausted to their beds , he entered Mildred 's church accompanied by selected monks and the soldiers he had prudently brought with him .
19 ( 1977 ) found that those women who had been separated from either or both of their own parents in the context of a disrupted early family life interacted with their babies considerably less than the rest of the mothers .
20 Eleanor Rathbone also campaigned for their introduction whenever the opportunity arose and by 1936 Leo Amery , one of the first Conservative members of the front bench publicly to support family allowances , was recom-mending occupational schemes to leading industrialists .
21 People lied about their intentions up to the moment of voting and went on lying even as they left the polling stations , saying they had voted for Labour when they had voted Tory , ’ he says .
22 They were speedily , if only temporarily , relieved of their worries when a head appeared amidst the gently rolling waves a short distance from the beach , which soon resolved into the — quite pleasing — shape of a woman struggling exhaustedly out of the sea and up the beach beside the jetty .
23 When he came home on leave in April 1930 , they both returned to their childhood home and made all the necessary arrangements for its sale .
24 Some of the travellers never returned to their homes again .
25 D was judicially separated from his wife and she lived in their house together with their three children , the youngest of whom was twelve .
26 Others see the Jacobites as a small minority of rather cranky dissidents , who included amongst their ranks not just extreme Tories , but also professional plotters and even some outré Whigs , and would maintain that a Jacobite rebellion never stood any realistic chance of success .
27 She was n't an actor , and she 'd never be able to fully comprehend what made the breed tick , even though she worked with their number practically every day .
28 But they wrote and edited with their eyes also on the contemporary situation and on the future , with a determination that the people 's faith and worship should not be swamped by the religions of their Babylonian masters , and that once back in God 's Land , they should not commit the same dreadful mistakes again .
29 For one thing , they included in their numbers not just the Boyz 'N' The Hood — in fact , gangs like the Crips and the Bloods sank their lethal differences during the upsurge — but middle-class blacks , Latinos and some whites .
30 If these groups persisted in their protest then they were drawn into sham " participation " exercises with the local authority that experience shows did more to neuter their dissent than to advance their real interests .
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