Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] the time that " in BNC.

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1 The earliest mammals ( Eutheria ) , the insectivores , arose during the time that reptiles dominated the earth .
2 This argument is untenable as some of the most dramatic changes in behaviour by American hospitals occurred at the time that the prospective payment system was introduced , when only 10% of hospitals were private , for profit institutions , and there is considerable evidence that , especially for rural hospitals in the United States , the threat has indeed been to survival .
3 I believed at the time that I more or less grasped the metaphorical implications of this , but after I had put the phone down I found I was not as clear as I should have hoped to be about exactly what was required of me in concrete practical terms .
4 ‘ It seemed at the time that he might not have much need of intimacy .
5 It seemed at the time that meeting the Fracxillians could created some sort of major turning point in my career .
6 We all assumed that because of the , yeah the media pressure , at least talks would start , but I think possibly the management thought that because of this one-sided pressure , you know it seemed at the time that nothing nice was being said about the management , you know you can almost understand them being reluctant to go into a room and offering their side of the argument .
7 I assumed at the time that he was crying for the garden and what he 'd done to it .
8 But Mr Sharp predicted at the time that there would be continued violence before that brought results and is on record as believing an extra 700 officers were needed .
9 Nunn stated at the time that the Defense Department , with its large budget for research and development , would be well suited to respond " to a new and different threat to our national security — the destruction of our environment " .
10 She claimed at the time that colleagues had lied in a bid to get her fired because she was unpopular .
11 So she started to cry and all then and said she said she was sorry , and right enough she stuck to the time that we allow her to , she 's come in last night dead on the button .
12 Canon Atkinson , who traced the history of the Horngarth service , concluded that it originated about the time that St Hilda acquired land at Whitby — or Streonshalh as it then was — to found a monastery in AD 657 , 500 years before the appearance of the legend .
13 ‘ Everyone was looking for reasons why he left us and no-one appreciated at the time that his health was suffering .
14 If the Thamesdown one did n't , er , the officers for their own reasons have separated out this particular er , activity , erm , and I felt at the time that it was unreasonable to give a hundred percent funding to er , most C A B's but not to one .
15 ‘ But I knew at the time that I felt I had something to offer and that 's why I wanted to come back and be a manager again .
16 ‘ You approached Miss Needham , repeated Markby evenly , ‘ whether or not you knew at the time that was her name , and you asked her to sign .
17 But it 's not part of the the police case here , that they knew at the time that they entered the flat .
18 ‘ I thought at the time that leaving John Mayall 's Bluesbreakers was a bit speculative , even though Peter , Mick ( Fleetwood ) and myself had already cut a couple of tracks within the Bluesbreakers band format , one of which was called Fleetwood Mac .
19 Certainly I thought at the time that Hunt would end up sponsored by Marlboro and driving a McLaren .
20 I realize now that I should have fired him right then but I thought at the time that when we got him on the set he would be OK .
21 I must say I thought at the time that it was a pretty rough night to choose for a sentimental journey …
22 I thought at the time that her absent luncheon companion must have been a boorish character , and even the greatest friends of Randolph Churchill would find difficulty in defending him from this charge .
23 A defendant may state that he honestly thought at the time that the girl was above 16 and that he never thought to enquire , or that the girl was dressed up and wearing make-up .
24 The British authorities argued at the time that the way to tackle this problem of falling competitiveness , far from being to allow the pound to devalue , was to maintain a rigid exchange rate for sterling and so through the resulting high interest rates and tight money ‘ to squeeze inflation out of the system ’ .
25 Some said at the time that Leviathan had been written for Cromwell , and indeed Hobbes did say that it supported a ‘ conscientious obedience to the present government ’ of the Protectorate .
26 Joseph Maloney , secretary of the local angling association , said at the time that earlier , less serious pollution caused by Mogul had killed all fish life in what had once been a good trout and salmon river .
27 he said at the time that as soon as his international career was over that he could go back to Blackheath and see them right .
28 People said at the time that the war had been fought for the children , for a better future , and the 1950s represent a watershed in the historical process by which children have come to be thought of as repositories of hope , and objects of desire .
29 Scott and James McCalman said at the time that it was a stone used for making charcoal after the following fashion .
30 The interesting factor in all those arguments is that my hon. Friends who sat on the respective Committees or spoke on the Second Reading of Bills associated with privatisation said at the time that the Government were privatising monopoly , not introducing effective competition and regulation , and the matter would have to be examined again .
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