Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [be] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Just before it joins the urethra , the vas sprouts a small sac , the seminal vesicle , once thought to be a store for spermatozoa but now believed to be simply another gland which adds its secretion to the ejaculate .
2 Many reckon the enormous cost , estimated to be as much as £10 billion , is too great for most of the players in the current economic climate .
3 The normal absorptive capacity of the colon , estimated to be as much as six litres per day , should be able to compensate for significant fluid losses from the small intestine in secretory diarrhoea .
4 Moreover , the economic cleavage that was perceived to be developing in this society did appear to correspond to the religious tensions that were generating party strife , and to anxious High Church Tories seemed to be yet another part of the process whereby Dissenters were thriving in the changed political climate after the Revolution at the expense of the Anglican interest .
5 But his hands were trembling as he put them back in his pockets , and a thick feeling rose up in his throat whenever he thought of Helen , which seemed to be nearly all the time .
6 She felt hot and sticky , and there seemed to be far less room at the bottom of the companionway than she remembered .
7 There seemed to be very little wrong with his competitive edge , or his nerve .
8 The trouble was that , unlike most other periods of Delhi 's history , there seemed to be very few good primary sources .
9 There seemed to be so many of them , more and more crowding silently through the ruins wherever she looked .
10 When they came I was rather surprised that there seemed to be so many ; I said I had no idea that I 'd ordered as many as this .
11 There seemed to be so little mutual interest , so little to build on .
12 And I thought it was because we seemed to be so much on the same wavelength .
13 She writes : ‘ At nearly forty , ageism seemed to be as much of a problem as sexism ’ .
14 He seemed to be as much part of it as the cold stone floor he was standing on .
15 Given this mood , there seemed to be much that was positive , radical , and energetic in the new English.36 D. G. James , Winterstoke Professor of English at Bristol , urged the recognition that
16 A liberal- democratic constitution , with the danger of " class legislation " ( the phrase used to voice the fear of a working-class takeover through the ballot box ) and an intrusion into the rights of property through the more direct , participatory , and collective democracy of a mandated House of Commons of delegates close to working-class constituencies , seemed to be quite another .
17 But knowing what she ought to do was one thing — putting it into action seemed to be quite another .
18 But if he had nothing to do with the kidnapping of that girl it seemed to be too much of a coincidence that he should have appeared just then .
19 I have not tried to present the counts on a basis of woodland types as there seemed to be too few of most visited to give useful results .
20 Male carers are often omitted from detailed study because they are seen to be unimportant or assumed to be so few in number .
21 But the walls of her room seemed suddenly oppressive , and she needed to be somewhere less claustrophobic .
22 For one of the first things the maltster looked for was just this : uniformity of seed in the samples that the farmer showed to him .
23 When news of a flourishing Swedish house scene began to break 18 months ago , it looked like being little more than a PR scam based around the fact that Neneh Cherry 's half-sister Titiyo could sing and came from Stockholm .
24 The tide was coming in and , as he rounded the rocks which screened the Cove , he saw two things : a courting couple doing what he felt to be far more than courting and then something a little further away which made his heart miss a beat .
25 Such work hit at the heart of the institution which the conservative-historians took to be so much under threat — the nuclear family .
26 In these new circumstances of ‘ open parties ’ and ‘ participatory politics ’ it became possible for outsiders to seize nominations irrespective of the wishes of party leaders , and Jimmy Carter proved to be just such a candidate .
27 He was still recuperating at home a few nights later when a rustling from the rafters above his bed proved to be yet another python which had entered the village and was lying in wait .
28 Dowty 's profits proved to be considerably less than the figures mentioned during the takeover , leading to suggestions that TI had been ‘ lumbered ’ with Dowty something TI furiously denies .
29 It proved to be too little , too late , however , and Labour emerged from the election with fewer MPs than at any time for 50 years .
30 There was little further public interest in what appeared to be just another statistic .
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