Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun] [conj] said " in BNC.

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1 Although Shelley smiled only faintly , Byron roared with laughter and said , ‘ Let me tell you of an inscription I once saw scrawled on the wall of a low jakes in Chelsea .
2 This time Mr Yarrow roared with laughter and said ‘ perfect ’ once again .
3 At the moment when she suddenly needed to say something important to her boy and had no words for it , that gesture came to life and said on her behalf what she herself was unable to say .
4 Some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him , ‘ You must get out of here and go somewhere else , because Herod wants to kill you ’ ( Luke 13:31 ) .
5 He topped it up , then gestured to Oliver and said : ‘ Help yourselves . ’
6 Flinging a cloth over a side table , she now turned towards Mick and said , ‘ I 'm not puttin' meself out for you , mind .
7 I sought out and consulted separately with three of the sleeping-car attendants in the racegoers ' sleeping cars who frowned in turn and said that first , the sort of jacket I was describing was worn by thousands , and second , everyone tended to look gaunt outside in the cold air .
8 She turned from Schmidt and said , ‘ My husband … ’ then immediately turned back , as if unaware of the other car , making it seem that her remark had always been intended for Schmidt .
9 Rose walked on thoughtfully for a bit , then she turned to Hilary and said : ‘ You went to see your mother last week , did n't you ? ’
10 He turned to Solti and said ‘ I 've sung the part under Toscanini — you go and study the score . ’
11 We must have looked pathetic because the man paused , looking at us , then he turned to Dad and said if Dad promised to call at the office he would n't report the matter .
12 She turned to Susie and said , ‘ There 's very little time left today , I 'm afraid . ’
13 When we were introduced she turned to Freddie and said haughtily .
14 Instead , he turned to Belinda and said matter-of-factly , ‘ Why do n't we have dinner together tonight ?
15 He turned to Gazzer and said , pleasantly , ‘ You 'll get your share of the cash , if that 's what you 're worried about . ’
16 But once the Jaguar had moved away she turned to Theresa and said in a voice of surprising gentleness : ‘ Does your father know that you 're out alone ? ’
17 Marcus turned to Franca and said in his deep slow honey voice , with his slightly foreign accent , ‘ Please could you move the bed away from the wall .
18 The sergeant came to a halt outside the adjutant 's hut , and an out-of-breath Charlie caught up with him just as the door was opened by a colour-sergeant who turned to Charlie and said , ‘ Stand to attention , lad , remain one pace behind me and do n't speak unless you 're spoken to .
19 Miss Honey , with one hand on the gate which she had not yet opened , turned to Matilda and said , ‘ A poet called Dylan Thomas once wrote some lines that I think of every time I walk up this path . ’
20 She sighed , wondering why the mere thought of it made her feel depressed , then she turned to Silas and said hastily , ‘ So there 's no need for you to worry about taking me to see a kiwi .
21 Then the old man turned to Mihal and said , " What did the great Daybog tell you , my child ? "
22 When Nichols brought Dustin along to be introduced to the mogul in his imposing New York office , Levine , after greeting Nichols , turned to Dustin and said , ‘ The windows are over there . ’
23 Spencer turned to Craig and said challengingly , ‘ How do we know you found those books in my room ?
24 There were cries of applause and as they died down Donald Stewart turned to Cameron and said , ‘ Now , Angus , let us hear from you . ’
25 Ben described my ‘ wobbly ’ : ‘ You were bending down to tie your shoe-laces , dressed in the ENSA uniform and I turned to Lucy and said , ‘ Wait for it .
26 Before she left she turned to Moore and said , ‘ I do hope you will be all right , sir .
27 He turned to Kraal and said , ‘ These preparations are for Minch 's return .
28 Sir Henry turned to Barrymore and said :
29 After about ten minutes the Doctor turned to Blake and said , ‘ Where do you think we go now ? ’
30 When they had finished , Haydn turned to Leopold and said : ‘ As God is my witness , and as a man of honour , I tell you that your son is the greatest composer known to me , either personally or by reputation .
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