Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 She liked to save any money she got off Nigel and had her own private account in a building society the other side of London .
2 They met through work and had an affair for five months until Mike , who was divorced , suggested Marianne should leave her husband .
3 Mrs Prentice fussed about Boardwalk and congratulated its jockey .
4 Mr Johns said he knew nothing of this but the next day Grugel again asked for money and became aggressive .
5 Mr Johns said he knew nothing of this but the next day Grugel again asked for money and became aggressive .
6 Heading now for the Picton Ferry to the North Island , we passed through Havelock and took the scenic ( and shorter ) route along Queen Charlotte Drive beside the Marlborough Sounds , stopping briefly at Momorangi Beach , which is where Ned , at the age of one , did his ‘ Jesus act ’ by walking , fully clothed , into the sea !
7 He fought for Orkney and won it , against men just like Siward .
8 Bauthumley fought for Parliament and rose to be quartermaster in Colonel Cox 's regiment .
9 For example , the trade association in the nut and bolt industry actually employed individuals who posed as buyers and tried to obtain discounts on prices from sellers suspected of cheating .
10 contain minute and complex detail of when , how and where a driver can be promoted , moved between depots or made redundant …
11 After a few more games we stopped for lunch and went over the morning 's action .
12 The General shouted for litter-bearers and retired to his tent in a bad mood for a bath and a change of clothes .
13 They returned to the front room and , after a light tea of eggs and toast , Willie changed for bed and positioned himself by the armchair , next to Tom .
14 In their second year , Robyn and Charles moved off campus and set up house in a small flat in Brighton , commuting to the University by local train .
15 A contingent headed for Plymouth and met their first serious resistance at Trematon Castle by Saltash , held for the King by Sir Richard Grenville .
16 While men like Thomas Howard , Duke of Norfolk , and Stephen Gardiner , Bishop of Winchester , were prepared to accept the royal supremacy , they baulked at these evangelical reforms , which in their view smacked of heresy and threatened to lead England into the Lutheran camp .
17 They moved past Kaas and grabbed Adam , wrenching him away from Billie .
18 As she spoke she moved past Adam and put her arm on Goodenache 's .
19 Her foot slipped on the smooth tiles and a frightened little cry left her lips about one second before Mitch moved like lightning and caught her , his arms tightly around her , holding her close .
20 He managed to co-opt the gloomy Georg into circulating with more champagne and everyone averted their eyes as Georg drew near Suzi and refilled her glass .
21 They walked on all fours , preferred a diet of raw meat , they howled like wolves and lacked any form of speech .
22 ‘ When I first left school I stopped near Ipswich and worked there .
23 However , although several lengths behind , Clydal Pal soon moved into overdrive and picked up the leader in the home straight to win going away .
24 He moved into Mayfair and bought his first Matisse .
25 It jerked into life and moved away .
26 He winced with pain and made to grab at her .
27 Khrushchev rose with dignity and asked his audience to stop reducing the life and death of whole peoples to a joke .
28 June 18 : Taylorcraft B N37611 crashed into lake and sank at Kakhonak , Alaska , during flight with unlicensed pilot .
29 Hislop trained with Bratt and made his début as a principal singer at the Royal Swedish Opera , Stockholm , as Faust in C. F. Gounod 's opera on 12 September 1914 .
30 I bumped into Esmerelda and made her squeal .
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