Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It would be better if you concentrated on sewing some buttons on my shirts .
2 A DARLINGTON woman who failed to supply exotic food hampers tried to creating some food parcels of her own , a court heard yesterday .
3 A married lady who is a leader in social purity movements and an enthusiast for sexual chastity , ( who ) discovered through reading some pamphlets against solitary vice , that she had herself been practising masturbation for years without knowing it .
4 The system survived the new depression of 1979–81 and succeeded in creating some degree of stability by the later 1980s , though not without many problems .
5 She was immediately businesslike and succeeded in putting some suggestions to him in her crisp English way , which banished from her mind again any other thoughts .
6 We talked about having some fun with cars at a time when I was beginning to think the two were no longer synonymous .
7 THE following morning dawned bright and warm and , being weary of towns , I settled on driving some way down the Rhine and then exploring one of the country roads .
8 I had a back pocket full of readies as I planned on doing some Christmas shopping while up West and I had no intention of joining the Christmas Eve rush to the lingerie departments of the big stores , so the first thing was to get away from the temptation of the HMV shop .
9 Curtis , who admitted to getting some help from doubles partner and defending champion , Ian Schuback , now faces McCann .
10 He was advised that his best chances for advancement in life lay in spending some time at the royal court and seeking some government office .
11 Unfortunately it is often the case that writers do not allow themselves to be so free in autobiographical disclosures as to say exactly how they felt on seeing some work of art .
12 When the Conservative government came to abandon the tax after Thatcher 's downfall , however , many of the Conservative Party insisted on keeping some element of the poll tax for the accountability reasons set out above .
13 The court continued by making some observations , undoubtedly obiter , about the powers of the Serious Fraud Office as regarded the person under investigation himself .
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