Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So , Silvia had been right ; he really cared about winning that race .
2 A BUSINESSMAN appeared in court yesterday charged with soliciting another man to murder his wife .
3 From the loan 's spread a bank endeavours to make some return on its capital resources ( approximately 4 per cent ) used in funding each loan , provide for any subsequent bad debts and meet administrative costs of the lending department .
4 So that 's all got to happen and can we expect that the improvements that have been made now to the syst to the management of this process will not give rise to the same delays that occurred in getting this system flight safe .
5 It would be better if you concentrated on sewing some buttons on my shirts .
6 A DARLINGTON woman who failed to supply exotic food hampers tried to creating some food parcels of her own , a court heard yesterday .
7 I found by adapting that approach erm I 've been able to help clients in such areas as er tax saving or making their money work that little bit harder for them .
8 There were various factors that came into making this decision but one of the things is I 'm heartily sick that I have never been able to go away on holiday in the autumn ever in my life .
9 She delighted in retelling this anecdote , which she found hilarious .
10 Also , with Bush committed to opposing both bills , Republicans in Congress were anxious to enable him to avoid the political embarrassment of vetoing them just before the presidential election .
11 They nearly came to scratching each other because Janice says they 've only got an old banger .
12 In fact we had made three other variations on the theme before we came to making this piece so there was really no excuse for getting it wrong , but we did .
13 ‘ When I arrived for training this morning , my wife had been on three times and I thought something had happened to my little girl , who was in hospital over the weekend .
14 For the next twenty years , Rothko 's work consisted of reanimating this pattern with the substance of his emotional life .
15 But this time it seemed he really meant it , because as we turned into get another street I could see iron railings and trees at the far end .
16 A married lady who is a leader in social purity movements and an enthusiast for sexual chastity , ( who ) discovered through reading some pamphlets against solitary vice , that she had herself been practising masturbation for years without knowing it .
17 Just before the Calcutta Test Gooch admitted that it was only the actual cricket , and not the bit in between , that he enjoyed from touring these days .
18 They played hopscotch , their favourite , in the ever brightening sunshine , throwing a white pebble into the boxes they had marked out on the ground , and then trying to hop to where the pebble landed without touching any lines .
19 One suburban Anglican church in Surrey , England discovered on doing this exercise that they had to gain on average thirty-four new members each year just to stay where they were in terms of membership , such was the high level of mobility in their community .
20 He began by welcoming each man by name .
21 He began by giving several examples of how Governments in both West and East Europe had obtained major United Motors ' investment projects by highly discriminatory and blatantly unfair means , which had operated to the detriment of the UK .
22 It was then that James John Weeble , a deaf man from Redruth , came upon the scene , and swam out fully-clothed , and succeeded in dragging both men back to the beach .
23 Up until the age of 33 , I managed to push this turmoil to the back of my mind , although I 'd always had trouble with relationships because I was so full of self-doubt , and succeeded in destroying any relationship that seemed to be leading anywhere .
24 The system survived the new depression of 1979–81 and succeeded in creating some degree of stability by the later 1980s , though not without many problems .
25 About half the schools surveyed in 1968 succeeded in maintaining this policy for three full years .
26 She was immediately businesslike and succeeded in putting some suggestions to him in her crisp English way , which banished from her mind again any other thoughts .
27 In the course of the century , Louis VI and Louis VII succeeded in imposing this interpretation on all their princes ' homage .
28 Seventy-five years on , Vic and Torquil succeeded in focussing much effort into a grand opening of their aerodrome on Battle of Britain Day 1991 .
29 The legend relating to Dicky o'Tunstead caused the London North Western Railway Company many problems and succeeded in forcing this railway company to reconsider their plans for their new line between Chapel-en-le-Frith and Buxton .
30 Overshadowing December 1992 were three years of recession ; unemployment , and the fear of unemployment , as the numbers edged towards three million ; and the terrorist activities of the IRA , which succeeded in keeping many people out of city centres .
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