Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A Tractarian , whose work for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel attracted national attention , he became archdeacon of Dorset in 1862 but resigned , through ill health , nine months later .
2 A member of the Spooner family , connected to Wilberforce by his marriage to Barbara Spooner , became Archdeacon of Coventry with responsibility for Birmingham and had close links to the evangelical Calthorpes , landowners and philanthropists in the city .
3 Templetons became part of Stoddards in 1981 .
4 Nagorny Karabakh , which has a predominantly Armenian population , became part of Azerbaijan in 1923 after the consolidation of Soviet power in the Transcaucasus region .
5 David Murray became chairman at Ibrox in 1988 and , asked about the Liverpool manager 's record in the transfer market , said : ‘ Sure Graeme has spent a lot of cash but he 's sold well as well .
6 It has occasionally been suggested — notably by Lord Alexander , when he became chairman of NatWest in 1990 — that the Bank might take a more relaxed view , to help industry .
7 Lord Ashburton KCVO ( 64 ) became Chairman of BP on 25 June 1992 .
8 James worked closely with his bishops , and in particular with George Abbot , whom he appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1611 .
9 The Cuban law made provision for compensation with government bonds , redeemable within twenty years with an annual interest rate of 4.5 per cent .
10 In addition , it defined the responsibilities and rights of parents ; established the Scottish Examination Board to conduct Scottish Certificate of Education ( SCE ) examinations ; set up committees for negotiating teachers ' pay settlements , laying down procedures for arbitration where agreement could not be reached ; and made provision for children with special educational needs .
11 Mecdi is even more specific : " [ While teaching at the Sahn ] he became kazasker in place of Hocazade …
12 Sprawled out across it were a rabble of Russian fugitives , whilst ahead a thin dark line of guns crept foot by foot towards the safety of the opposite shore .
13 Attas visited Jordan on Sept. 10 , 1989 , and made progress in talks with Oman in early February 1990 on resolving the issue of border demarcation which had affected relations hitherto .
14 An EC-EFTA meeting on Dec. 19 made progress in discussions on the European Economic Area or EEA ( the term now adopted in preference to " European Economic Space " or EES — see pp. 37134 ; 37535 ) , and it was anticipated that these EC-EFTA talks would now reach a conclusion by mid-1992 such that an EEA agreement could go through the various ratification processes and take effect on Jan. 1 , 1993 .
15 At an informal meeting in Apeldoorn , the Netherlands , on the weekend of Sept. 21-22 the 12 Finance Ministers of the European Communities ( EC ) together with their central bank presidents made progress in negotiations on economic and monetary union ( EMU ) , agreeing that the decision on the start of " stage three " should be made by unanimous agreement of all 12 heads of state and government , rather than by majority decision .
16 Anselm , St ( 1033–1109 ) Born the son of a Lombard landowner , Anselm eventually became Archbishop of Canterbury in England .
17 Aethelheard , abbot of Louth in Lindsey , who became archbishop of Canterbury in 792 , may have been seen in Kent as a ‘ symbol of Mercian rule ’ , but he appears to have obtained from Offa a confirmation of the immunity of Kentish churches ( CS 848 : S 134 ) 52 and he presided without Hygeberht over a synod at London attended by most of the bishops of southern England ( CS 265 : S 132 ) .
18 Thomas Wolsey , an ambitious diplomat , became Archbishop of York in 1514 , and a Cardinal as well as Lord Chancellor , in 1515 .
19 Lamplugh was born in Octon in 1615 and became Archbishop of York in 1688 .
20 Thomas I , archbishop of York from 1070 to 1100 , was his brother ; Thomas II , who became archbishop of York in 1108 , was his son ; and another son was bishop of Bayeux .
21 With his hands protected by rubber gauntlets , he passed bucket after bucket of soggy glass fibre wool though the trap door into my waiting aching arms .
22 Judge Arbuthnot passed sentence of death by hanging , or exile to the penal colonies in the West Indies , on the men of Prosperous .
23 Rebel leader Jonas Savimbi sought recognition of UNITA as a legal opposition movement as a precondition for signing a cease-fire agreement .
24 William Bowles , ( 1705–1780 ) an Irishman who became superintendent of mines in Spain , was dismayed by the lack of unusual plants in the area and wrote to Peter Collinson from Bilbao in 1733 asking for packets of seeds and bulbous plants and continued : ‘ There is a Miller 's Dictionary in Town , so I would take some pains to give the Spaniards a taste … you know what best to send ’ .
25 Practical considerations , such as the difficulty of finding enough foster placements and adequate staff for children 's homes , also lent weight to arguments in favour of preventing children from coming into care .
26 After leaving the Conservatoire he became organist at Sainte-Trinité in Paris , a post he held for over 40 years .
27 When he became president of Venezuela in 1989 , he inherited a bankrupt country .
28 In 1958 the ubiquitous Micky Watson became President in addition to Hon.
29 Lady Braithwaite , Molly 's sister-in-law became President in succession to Kay Evans in 1983 .
30 When Neville Chamberlain became Mayor of Birmingham in 1915 , he was the eighth member of the family to hold the office in half a century , and he was never to forget the influence of his local roots .
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