Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun sg] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They established that 6 copyholds changed hands a total of 36 times and 21 freeholds changed ownership a total of 118 times .
2 Oscar-Berman , Rehbein , Porfert and Goodglass ( 1978 ) obtained a right hand superiority in recognition of letters traced oil the palm of the hand but a left hand advantage in discriminating the orientation of lines .
3 In 1987 the Foundation helped fund the purchase of a new concert grant piano .
4 When children entered school the task of the teacher was to measure the strengths and the weaknesses of each child and to use this yardstick as the basis for her teaching .
5 Always pioneering , his work in Leeds helped shape the direction of development within the City .
6 Using material from Europe and North America collected by the Museums during the past 150 years , the gallery offers an historical record of styles and taste and shows how the development of communications helped shape the work by artists and manufacturers .
7 She was glad she had the stone , when he came into the byre ; she was waiting for him as he had asked her to , she had made her way across the orchard in the fresh blue morning and let herself in through the wooden door by lifting it off its hinges , since the bolt had rusted fast long ago , and she had looked up at the full moon of the sky in the chimney hole at the centre of the round shelter 's roof , and with her stone which was sharp as a shearing knife with a bright , honed blade the marks of the whetstone were still visible in pale striations like scouring tracks — she scraped her name into one of the stones on the interior , as many others had done before her , in tall shapely capitals , the only letters she knew .
8 Appeals over the nurses ' regrading are coming through with no extra cash to pay for them , and , ironically , in the Thames regions the slump in house prices has slowed staff turnover ; vacancy levels , which helped balance the books at the cost of quality and volume of service , are lower .
9 ‘ The informal exchanges between the Chief Executive and Director Viktor Sapronov during the formal dinner held in honour of our visitors helped cement an alliance between Hunterston and Khmelnitski which could lead to further exchange visits to discuss these subjects further , ’ said Director of Production Peter Robson .
10 If the bill became law the neutrality of auditors would be guaranteed .
11 You made marriage the price of your body ?
12 He made marriage the price of his body ? ’
13 Richards made it worryingly clear how far the Church was responsible for enshrining such illiberal attitudes , though to do it credit , the Church also introduced consent to marriage and made rape a crime against the person , rather than property .
14 Then there is the matter of sex and lifestyle , on which subject I recall a curious interview between Stirling Moss and Hunt in which Hunt says something like , ‘ Luckily , I never made no-sex a rule before a race .
15 A number of kings assumed sovereignty the day after the demise of their predecessors — Edward II , Richard II , Henry IV , Henry V , Henry VI and Richard III .
16 Actually , I chew on a piece of mozzarella and merely wish that I 'd thought of bringing a silver pistol , because , let's face it , Dudley Moore played Patch the Elf in the 40-million-dollar Santa Claus — The Movie which unlike say Ishtar or Hudson Hawk , is consistently unbearable for every single one of its sad seconds .
17 I asked him if he 'd misheard the name of the pub and he said gosh how original , he bet nobody had thought of that before and he 'd be sure to tell the landlord .
18 Both of us caused Mother no end of anxiety and trouble .
19 Bits of it actually sound accidental , but that only adds to the shocking brilliance of a record that allowed rock a way into the previously terrifying world of dance , and that showed dance a way forward too .
20 When Mrs Hollidaye had finished her praying and they were leaving the church , she stopped at the back and showed Dot a book with writing in it .
21 Miss Chalk , who joined Pipe a couple of months ago , started 5-2 for the first division of the Yellow Collar Selling Hurdle and made all the running to beat Dreaming Star by 10 lengths .
22 When the doctor had gone , Bobbie showed Mother the piece of paper .
23 Restoration England 's improved agriculture made famine a thing of the past , though temporary shortages still caused suffering .
24 By being able to hand a printer finished artwork the cost of several stages of labour intensive work can be virtually eliminated .
25 They also taught man the rite of circumcision and the secret languages of birds and animals so that he was able to trap or befriend them , and showed him how to divine water .
26 Basil Dean called ATP the Studio with the Team Spirit , and its qualities as a place to work are suggested by the fact that such distinguished directors as Carol Reed , Thorold Dickinson and Basil Dearden emerged from Dean 's tutelage .
27 I watched water the colour of the Thames at low tide drain away while I dried myself , and felt the horror of last night drain away with it .
28 They called stress the disease of the Eighties .
29 He once called liberalism a form of bigotry , but he did not particularly mind being called a bigot himself .
30 Managed by former boyfriend and mentor , the football star Pele , she hit TV a couple of years ago .
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