Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] out [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then he kicked his horse forward and led on out of the yard .
2 Ominously , she could n't even see the road when she peered down out of the high window .
3 One Saturday morning , without telling anyone of my plan , I boarded a bus and headed off out of the Lesotho capital of Maseru and towards Roma where I knew a witchdoctor lived .
4 Blinking in the sunshine that fell on his face , Tug swam up out of the horrors of the darkness .
5 He charged up out of the canal and shook himself , splattering water everywhere .
6 Yeah , well before sh he was born , she stopped doing them and er she phoned up out of the blue and so said to her , no they live at Bognor I think or something .
7 They both staggered back out into the corridor .
8 He worked the slide as quietly as he could , chambering a round , then he moved back out into the sitting room towards the door .
9 As Lucy moved back out into the passageway , she met the returning tide from the last ensemble number onstage ; they arrived in a rush , panting like horses and shedding their quasi-military costumes as they moved .
10 But this night , after being ashore an hour or so , the raiders waded back out to the boat arm-pit deep in the rising tide .
11 Maybe it is time that I came in out of the storm . "
12 The wind , I thought , was shaking the door , but no , it was St John , who came in out of the frozen darkness , his coat covered in snow .
13 But by then she was so inwardly tense at the deception which through love and loyalty she had to perform that she barely noticed the grand buildings as she drove up out of the valley to where the town ended and a tarmacked road through woodland began .
14 The clutching hand lifted up out of the water , the dark pit beyond the open door : all the old , despairing images passed momentarily through her troubled mind … .
15 As I came up out of the trough , the wave was pouting out a lip like the deck of an aircraft carrier .
16 Besides those who waited to journey together there were others who came up out of the forest alone and who seemed to belong there , men licensed by the Lord Warden to carry on their trade in certain parts of the forest , woodmen , trappers , charcoal burners , for the most part a silent surly sort of men who emerged from the forest , went briefly about their business , had little to say for themselves , and then disappeared into the solitude again .
17 After we came up out of the dank womb of the pit , we went for a drink in the welfare club .
18 But as the shaking continued she came up out of the bad dream , trembling and drenched once more with perspiration , her cheeks damp with tears .
19 Inside his head , beneath the odd blaze of hair , behind the reckless display of freckles , the same low horizon unrolled , the same milk-crate stacks of Council flats came up out of the east , like this , slowly turned , just so , and fell away into the west , like that …
20 There was something else that came up out of the minutes .
21 She came back out onto the terrace a few minutes later .
22 I , I think er erm when I first started down there , it was a job , I thought well this is a good job fifteen bob a week , that 's , that 's a lot more than some of the other boys who 'd left school got , they were twelve and six you see and erm , I think erm I came back out of the forces and took over more responsible jobs , I do n't think I could have gone to anything else but transport .
23 Well there was a big reunion er you know for all the m all the soldiers all the sold came back out of the war .
24 I , I did do years gone by yes and they , they did move into the football combination at one time , because it was considered that the Midland Intermediate League was too big a jump for young men into the first team and the difference was so vast in the type of football that Walsall second team they u only playing young fellas , and they used to win seven and eight goal margins every week you know , but then they moved up into combination that was a better standard of football , but latter years economy drives and everything they came back out of the combination reverted to the Midland Intermediate again which I believe there are two phases of that no one for s older players and the other one strictly for youth players
25 Henry went to the front hall , put the chicken and the jack on the table by the front door and trudged back out to the Passat .
26 He washed his hands , soiled by her , at a sink , and Mrs Beatty slunk back out of the room .
27 The dog immediately began to bark , and made off out of the room .
28 They both climbed down out of the truck and went round to the cab .
29 We keep ourselves to ourselves , Joan and I. There was a frightful nosy American in the summer who just turned up out of the blue and told us how honoured we must be , having the old bat 's relics up here .
30 My father , old but gritty , glamorous in the eyes of the class of '68 , a South London wide boy with an authentic background , described his grandfather 's funeral , about 1912 , when a whole other family , wife , children , grandchildren , turned up out of the blue from somewhere further down the line where they 'd been established on the navvy 's journey north .
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