Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] and [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Find another two people to be prayer partners with you once a week so that some of these prayer burdens can be shared and agreed on and so that you can be spurred on by each other 's zeal in prayer .
2 And then it plunged down and down and down .
3 The crossplank was then converted into a sliding rest which moved up and down and a central strut was included , to be positioned according to the size of the canvas .
4 The crossplank was then converted into a sliding rest which moved up and down and a central strut was included , to be positioned according to the size of the canvas .
5 His large adam 's apple moved up and down as he swallowed his nerves .
6 Matron sneaked some soup to Mould , giving him a lift on her motorbike , and Endill paced up and down until he felt dizzy .
7 But when he was n't fighting shadows , he 'd just spend the morning dozing on his mattress while I paced back and forth and sometimes did a few push-ups and other exercises .
8 It was a secret as dark as that couplet ( written in pencil on the back page of " First Lessons in English Grammar " ) read over and over and never to be spoken aloud : " Pee-Po-Bum-Shit-Piddle-Bugger-Damn " Keep out of the farmyard was all the grown-ups would say if she told , it 's not the place for little girls …
9 Disposable bands came in and out and now people are TV stars instead of rock stars .
10 Once she tells us that she woke up and then that she prepared breakfast , we assume certain facts : that she got out of bed , for example .
11 I went out very early one morning , just after the sun came up and long before anybody else woke .
12 The white hair flopped back and forth and the wispy figure crumpled .
13 She got up and then when it came round to singing Jerusalem and Edie was put out at not singing Jerusalem , this is another one off the psychiatric list and Pat goes
14 A startled whinchat sprang up and over and disappeared into a hawthorn hedge .
15 ‘ Bertha walked up and down and enjoyed herself very much .
16 Got up all night and walked round and round and round on his blooming bad leg !
17 So he got out and about and the result is a movie , Buffy the Vampire Slayer , which will make him even more sought after .
18 So er I went down the Red Lion in Willenhall and fixed him up for a night 's dosh , did n't I , and the driver and then er I worked on , worked on and on and was able to get these er done for him to take back to fit this ship .
19 Mrs Browning was still in bed while Pen dashed in and out when he was not feeding his rabbits on the balcony .
20 A few minutes later it emerged and flew off and then when it returned it looked at the wall and saw the marks and went inside .
21 She stormed off and away and the last thing she saw was Felipe helping Mitch out of the pool , his dark face still lightened by a very wide grin .
22 There was — a gulp and a yell and the rest of the glass ( he had drunk at least some ) flew up and out and on to the sanded floor of the dining area .
23 She was tall and big-boned , with strong , thick legs , and big breasts that jounced up and down as she walked .
24 He worked up and down and made runs which a 20-year-old would n't have managed , ’ said John King .
25 We talked back and forth and eventually went back to the old Sun studio and did a few tracks down there .
26 The belt of snow rolled on and on and on .
27 No , and I had I er I had tried to appeal to him to be quiet , he said well I 've got to build this shed , I said well it do n't have to be during the night when other people are trying to sleep , he said well that 's up to them , and he started hammering again , while I was talking to him , and then I kept on and on and eventually , I think while I was talking to him I 'd kept him quiet while I was talking to him .
28 And she kept on and on and on .
29 His voice , low and urgent , went on and on but there was never an answer .
30 He had to sit out in the corridor at Windsor listening to Electrophone transmissions of some opera that went on and on before the warblers saw fit to die with some interminable aria .
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