Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] and [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 She moved on and pulled up in front of him .
2 He bent down and picked up a carrier that he 'd lain on the floor .
3 Lowell bent down and picked up the fragment of urn , wiping it with the palm of his hand .
4 She did not pause for an answer , but bent down and snatched up a roll of paper which she had placed on the floor beside her when she first sat down .
5 Bailiffs moved in and boarded up the house in Ely , Cardiff , as Pat and her children , Maria , 16 , and three-year-old Matthew watched .
6 The big firms swelled up and joined up and spent their money on rubber plants for the office and new offices for the rubber plants — and , most of all , on themselves .
7 For a while they lay in each other 's arms , the sweet lethargy claiming them , but as Alain 's arms tightened around her and his lips became insistent , Jenna drew back and looked up into his dark eyes .
8 She moved out and set up her own establishment .
9 Yeah , but my old man he 's a , he 's driving he was driving the one of the that 's , that erm , Lieutenant Colonel was in at the time of the , and he , he was in there and he said my old man knows for certain that at that time they were under fire , cos they drove in and picked up two bodies and put them in the back of the jeep all under fire
10 A dark , cowled figure came in and went up to stand in the Lady Chapel .
11 Sam came over and picked up the bat .
12 But before it was consumed entirely , it lifted off and shot up towards the painstyled plaster of the ceiling .
13 She takes a left turn at random and finds herself in an area of derelict buildings , burned out and boarded up , the site , she realizes , of the previous year 's rioting .
14 Sir George came back and built up his fire with new logs , hissing and singing .
15 The road was deserted and even if a motorist came by and drew up , could she be certain that he was n't a kidnapper , a rapist , even the Whistler ?
16 His terrified colleagues chimed in and held up their plates .
17 He took no notice , but turned in and drew up in the courtyard .
18 Dickinson ducked down and screwed up his face bracing himself against she shock , listening to the widening roar of the other engine .
19 After a particularly barbarous game of Murder Ball in the school gym , I stripped off and queued up for a quick soaking , along with 40 other pre-pubescent boys .
20 And when , towards the July gloaming , the royal-standard party arrived back and proceeded up to Berwick Castle with , even at a distance , an air of triumph unmistakable , the watchers ' hearts sank .
21 They all turned back and went up to the suite .
22 There was a pause while Nicole paid the bill , putting it on her husband 's gold credit card , then she straightened up and picked up the bag .
23 Basil got up and walked up and down the garden .
24 Lee got up and picked up a piece of cross-stitch tapestry from the top of an old record-player and sat down in the rocking-chair , her back to the two young people .
25 She got up and picked up the frame and brought it over to Meredith .
26 However , the telephone was certainly ringing , and he got up and picked up the receiver .
27 She saw Maggie , scooped in and carved up , the proud plastiskin peeled leprous from his face .
28 Mihal beat away the burning logs with his club while Martin rushed in and picked up the old man .
29 One of the apes that lived among the rooftops of the city scampered down and picked up the peel , then raced back up to his vantage point beside the eaves .
30 He walked over and picked up the pewter goblet , sniffing at it carefully .
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